
if only there were some sign that they were in danger. they couldve avoided the last minute jam session. 

The big question is will we learn anything through this lesson or will we just continue down the same path?

circumstances changed and I really wanted a pickup. I still love my Tacoma

From a financial stand point that’s a poor decision.

Target fixation is a bitch.

“Humans are pretty good at avoiding emergency vehicles parked on the side of the highway.”

I can’t speak for the previous generations but nothing you described applies to the JT, or even the JK for that matter. Stock, the 4-doors ride smoother than any 1/2 ton pickup I’ve owned. Ride-comfort is compromised when people go nuts with big tires and lifts.

My current theory is the older you get the more attractive Porsches become. Like the better they look. In my 20s I couldn’t understand why anyone would buy a new 911. Now I’m like...ooh, that’s nice.

Like I’ve posted before, turn it into an artificial reef by sinking it—at least the fish will be happy.

Spirit isn’t the king, it’s the court jester.

I want four wheel steering that’s controlled by a guy with his own wheel sitting in the back of the truck. Like an old-timey fire engine.

So basically bribe folks to purchase an EV, the “superior” product?

Spirit is a garbage airline with garbage service. It's definitely a case of getting what you pay for. I flew them once and I'd rather hitchhike than do it again.

Raph, why don’t you quit your job? It is obvious to a casual observer that you actually hate cars.
2nd gear: Highways are where we drive cars. We are car enthusiasts. We like better roads that don’t beat the shit out of our cars.
4th gear: If you have a problem with raking in huge chunks of cash from ICE vehicles, then

that guy from the pro life party?

You can be forgiven if you don’t live in New York and yet are incessantly being fed news about Andrew Cuomo and loathe it

Manual Tacomas are hard to find at dealerships around me.

You just sound like a shitty parent. Putting financial strain and debt onto your children as early as possible doesn’t make them better people.

A well earned reputation for expensive maintenance on bleeding edge technology from 1989 scares off most people used to Camry like reliability. Of course I go to Cars and Coffee and its the only one.

I happily ask them to name *their* desired price since *my* desired price is clearly stated in the ad. Never get any replies 🤷🏽‍♂️