
You misspelled “cult-like following among tech-adjacent people who have an unhealthy obsession with one of the company’s founders and will blindly follow anything said company does even if it’s a transparently bad idea.”

Seriously. This is apparently more of a blog site for alcoholic car-haters than a factual news site.

The 2022 is actually cheaper but not on the site. In practice a new 2020 Bolt is about $25k-$30k at an actual dealer though, sometimes cheaper.

Lol come on.  They both rule the roost because they’re aspirational image products.  The actual technology means nothing to MOST of eithers customers.  Don’t fool yourself.

Yeah, the pipes that got such a bad reputation (even just sitting there, not freezing) were polybutylene, a technology popular in the 80s and 90s that ended up with monster class-action lawsuits and a lot of invasive nd costly retrofitting. There were multiple potential problems but perhaps the biggest was that

I have a Chevy Bolt. I love it. I hate GM. Yet again they spend a ton of money developing a new platform that’s 75% of the way there, then the next gen model was just a fresh coat of paint. You still don’t get auto cruise (Super Cruise is nice, but only available on the EUV, and it’s optional only on the most

It can run a huge range, depending on how fast you want to charge and how far away from the panel your parking spot is. You could get it done pretty cheap at 16A level 2, because all that requires is the same 12/2 wire that runs most of your household outlets. At 16A a Bolt would charge basically overnight, up to 16

I liked the old Bolt, I like the new Bolt. 

Had to put on a balaclava to go for a nice long walk yesterday (-4F, windchill -22F) here in WI. Nothing like when it gets *really* cold (hit -20F actual, -50F windchill a couple years ago), so things aren’t too bad.

It’s not the mileage that scares me. And I agree, that if the IMS hasn’t gone yet, it’s probably safe....but if you changed the clutch and did not do the IMS, I think that’s just being cheap and makes me wonder what else he was on cheap.

Unfortunately, spraying the underside with used motor oil is now illegal, so you’re only like 35 years out of date on that one....

As a criminal defense attorney, allow me to state first and foremost that the vast majority of police officers are trained pathological liars and that if one of them tells you so much as the time or the color of the sky you should first mistrust and then verify.

Striking vehicle ≠ vehicle that caused the crash. If someone runs a red light and you tbone them, you are technically the striking vehicle, but not the cause of the crash. If someone doesn’t check for traffic and cuts in front of you, but you can’t stop in time, you’re the striking vehicle, but not the cause of the

Maybe the officer was more of a Bob Seger fan.

“Suggested” in MSRP is doing some heavy lifting.

°F or °C?

Whoa $35,000 is a lot! That is definitely a bigger chunk to recoup.

Yeah but can I drive it from my house in Cheyenne, Wyoming to my job in Huntsville, Alabama without spending more than 3 minutes stationary and outside the car at any point? Checkmate liberals.

I am hugging you with joy right now, from way over here in frozen New England! I would love it if you could find a way to delete this bit of the conversation. I would have reached out privately but I was panicking and couldn’t figure out how right away. (I did eventually email you.) Either way thanks a ton man. People

Show you have class and get the silver stuff.  Aka Alabama Chrome