
We are down to $4.29 from $4.39 last week. I’ll take what I can get as long as its going down

I have one about 5 minutes from my house. Luckily ours never backs up to the main road. After 4 years of living near it, I still have yet to go. I’ve yet to try the infamous sandwich. 

You’d be better served with a 6x8 utility trailer which you could buy for a tenth of this and towing it with whatever you have already.

a standard cab model is the least useful style. Two people (or one dog) and everything else goes in the bed, exposed to the weather and theft.

How well would your life work over the next week with no fuel? If stealing gas is the thing that means you get to keep your job/rent/food, then I think what’s going on here is a mass failure to understand the depths of poverty and desperation prevalent in the US,

My bad, I missed that part. Gas just doesn’t seem like it is worth stealing unless you already consume lots of it.

Idk how much ground clearance I have under my silverado’s tank but I know you can’t get a 5gal bucket under there. I would imagine the easiest would be a big oil catch pan which adds a bit more complexity. I guess you steal a truck’s gas and you burn it yourself for 2 weeks? Thats lots of risk for very little reward

You’d have no issues with a hand-powered drill against plastic. You could even hammer a punch through

stupid racing recovery hook

Just filled up my truck this weekend. $110 to fill the tank. Luckily, it is not a daily driver so that tank will last at about a month. I wouldn’t want to DD that.

We had bad weather in New England for cars. Roads were salted to heck so I didn’t see any interesting cars, just generic ones. I was hoping to have my jeep back on the road soon but with the fresh salt, I will have to wait a bit more. Disappointing too with the warm weather for the next 2 weeks.

Article picture will drain that tank just a couple minutes. Your drill hole will take 30+.

$1,400 in damage only if you’re lucky enough that they don’t accidentally set themselves on fire while drilling the tank.

But odds are that your car is only 60% full at any given time.

Even my VW carries over $60 in gas right now. God forbid they drill my 30gal truck

most tanks are plastic now. With a sharp bit, you could chew through it quietly and quickly with a manual drill:

Hundreds or even thousands of dollars of damage to steal $120 worth of gas...

I actually don’t mind bologna. Its basically a hot dog to me. I don’t have it all the time, but a few times a year a good bologna & swiss sandwich is pretty good!

It’s for buyers who want a compact SUV but want to pretend they’ll actually take it off road.

Aren’t like, most trucks “bro machines” anyway? This seems like a weird distinction to make.