
I agree totally, although I’m not sure what you were going for with the “I find you to be less than human,” bit. What are your qualifications for judging humanity? Look out, we got a badass over here people!

I believe you’re talking about the “Anti-Cheese” edits. Pretty good treatments of the films I say.

I’m sure they just wantonly snickered at it for sounding dated. I notice a lot of “geeks” these days are rather entrenched in the Cult of Whedon, with memories about as short as Buff the Vampire Slayer (the series). I doubt they’ve ever even heard of Space: 1999

Large chunks of this article sound as though they have come from a Southern Evangelical, given the “Science = bad, except for the studies I’m about to cite” tone here. There’s a big difference between “justifying” and “explaining”. In another field, is an oncologist justifying cancer?

Annnnnnnnnd this is how religious fundamentalism starts.

So Dr. Evazan will be making yet ANOTHER cameo?

So... sound like you’re from Azerbaijan? Or Russian?

In grad school a buddy and I tried to binge-watch TOS and count every UNIQUE onscreen Starfleet officer we saw, followed by later onscreen deaths. We coded shirts as well as where they died (away missions, or on the ship) and what episodes they died in, and intended to do simple statistical tests to determine if any

Came here to post this, surprised it’s not in the gray. Have my star

Hell, I feel old-fashioned now with my Monster and nicotine gum. Didn’t even know this kind of stuff existed

I know the Old Republic era is only quasi-canon, and SW:TOR is a maligned game, but my favorite Operation was Terror From Beyond, where the Dread Masters tried to summon forces from outside the known galaxy to aid them in taking over the Sith Empire. It was all very Lovecraftian, down to the tentacled final boss. I

Gawsh. What’s next? Scarlett Johsnsson will play the live-action version of a Japanese cartoon character and virtue-signalling bloggers will flip out over something equally meaningless?

This is what I came here to say. Chiropractics is flooded with complimentary/alternative mumbojumbo. Thanks for beating me to it!

Actually a pretty good film, Millennial scum!

Wow, never knew that was an engine in the back. I thought that was the dish, but what we saw in the plans was maybe just an early concept that was inaccurately made (even baby me thought so with the VHS).

The title was taken from an attempted film adaptation for Alan Nourse’s novel The Bladerunner, which was also a dystopian science fiction story. There’s no connection between the two stories and I’ve never known why they went with that name when they adapted Androids

The Moon seems a bit big to be relatively behind the earth in this image. Are you sure it’s not relatively in front of the Earth from a Martian perspective?

I could see her involved in the Han Solo film, maybe he ran weapons for Saw Gerrera or something and crossed paths with her that way

I also remember the faux outrage at Attack of the Clones because Jango Fett had tan skin, apparently reinforcing the “brown people are dangerous” trope. I agree that’s a thing, but choosing Temuera Morrison as your battle line seems like a misfire. But oh, the Internet was so young then...