I’m considering buying the blurays, ripping them, and building my own. I just use P+ for Trek and Twin Peaks. Just need the time to do all that...
I’m considering buying the blurays, ripping them, and building my own. I just use P+ for Trek and Twin Peaks. Just need the time to do all that...
I’m not at all surprised this topic brought out some unhinged takes. Honestly why I clicked the story
If you liked the Star Wars prequels, you’ll like Crystal Skull. Otherwise you’ll struggle to suppress the sound of banjo music in the distance
I swear this already came out last year? Or was it announced, then COVID happened, and now they’ve finally gotten around to making and releasing it?
Also, convenient of the same outlet that bemoaned the casting in Gods of Egypt to shrug and play the agnostic card on this issue
How embarassing
As a classic rock guy, I definitely enjoyed when Petty, The Who, etc. took their turns putting up quality performances. But Prince put on a show that you knew was something special as you were watching it. His ought to be number 1. Also, did I miss the Chili Peppers in this list? I remember that one being…
Brief aside: I’d really enjoy it if someone wrote a modern update on Scanner Darkly but with Proud Boys disguised as Antifa and/or vice-versa, and eventually no one remembers who or what they stand for anymore.
When people you don’t like get demonetized: THeY’re a PRiVatE COMpanY!!!!
Where they will turn books into coffee tables, they will turn people into coffee tables. - Heinrich Heine
Thanks for this, it feels like empathy is hard to come by these days
I’m a college professor and the only people I encounter who I think are genuinely stupid are other college professors
Were they using it as an insult? “Mental Retardation” is still an accepted clinical term, and it’s not like saying “Severe Intellectual Disability” changes the nature of the condition
Today I learned the word “marbit”
Well, that’s the thing, isn’t it- is there any data that show that these terms’ usages cause URM from entering coding/IT fields? If not, this is just feel-good warm-and-fuzzies that don’t actually accomplish anything.
that could be a little overwhelming
Men outnumber women as surgeons generally, not just plastic surgery. Frankly, it’s probably a mix of being a more “action” based discipline (vs. “people” or “care”-based) and the high status it confers, both of which are more attractive to men choosing careers
Why not both? Both is good
Well I’ve been paying attention enough to notice the things I mentioned, but to my credit I don’t frequent juniors departments anywhere