
The Grunge “look” of flannel and dirty jeans seems to be much more prevalent the past year or two (at least on the campus where I work), although it never totally disappeared. All the Nickelodeon nostalgia has been a big driver, too, and the Goosebumps films were an interesting omen, to name just a couple of

Let’s not forget there was a lot of 70's nostalgia in the late 90's through 00's.  We’ve mostly switched to 80's nostalgia, and already there are rumblings of 90's nostalgia (sigh)

Only the finest tendies with hunny mussy, of course

Seriously; I worked for the public for a long time through high school and college; and these were usually just friendly openers.  Original?  No, but neither’s saying “Hey, I’ll take a Venti Caramel Frappucino,” and interacting with me like I’m a robot

Airplanes, golfing, tailgating: All settings where you can drink no matter how early

I too went in the theatre with a clipboard to jot down every potential time the movie victimized me.

Love Devo, and the scores from those films are amazing, but everything after Rushmore from Anderson seemed like “Rushmore-but”: Rushmore-but-underwater, Rushmore-but-on a train, Rushmore-but-in a hotel. He’s like the Dave Mathews of film

Man always gets little rush out of telling people John Lennon beat his wife

The cover was definitively on the nose for sure, but I got a kick out of it. Odd that this article rants about misdirected adolescent angst by bemoaning the fact that something is popular that the author doesn’t like. Sounds awfully... adolescent. It’s either unintentional irony or a brilliant meta-statement

You just described “confirmation bias”.

I have called ahead about whether a game/channel would be available, but only because I didn’t have television at my home at the time and going to a local sports bar was (gasp) a fun way to catch the game in a setting where others might also be enjoying it. Also, I’d rather do that than walk all the way there for no

I agree totally, although I’m not sure what you were going for with the “I find you to be less than human,” bit. What are your qualifications for judging humanity? Look out, we got a badass over here people!

So... sound like you’re from Azerbaijan? Or Russian?

Came here to post this, surprised it’s not in the gray. Have my star

Hell, I feel old-fashioned now with my Monster and nicotine gum. Didn’t even know this kind of stuff existed