
I always felt that Victor Freeze was Batman’s only truly good person among his villains; a man just trying to save his wife’s life without interruption, but forced into crime by corporate greed and constant interference by other supervillains. The only Batman villain even close to “good” besides Freeze is Two-Face aka

They’re all good. Every mission in this DLC is better than every main villain mission in the main game.

Sh-. I was scared as f- in that boss battle. It was one of the few parts of the game where I wish I had finesse. I didn’t know wtf I was doing half the time, and somehow beat him with sheer luck. I couldn’t even do the zipline takedown.

“So the dlc gives some closure for Mr. Freeze.”

Screw the suit, how come it’s snowing again in Gotham? I LOVE that weather in any context, real or virtual!

Who was it who said something like getting a happy ending depends on where you end the story?

Holy crap, that’s an eerily spot on Joker. o_o Great job!!

Dayum, impressive.

Is she a loser for the First Order... or the best Resistance secret agent? Huh? HUH?

Oh definitely. I saw my girlfriend’s father and my own grandmother die from it. On the flip side, I know 2 survivors.

Damn that’s rough.Wishing him the best

That's what it's supposed to be. I just wish they thought of doing the DLC more like that in the first place.

It’s weird that this game has a lot of DLC, but I haven’t bought any of it because of word of mouth. I haven’t played it since finishing it this past summer. Meanwhile, I’m buying DLC for Dragon Age Inquisition because I need my Witcher fix. I really want Blood and Wine as a Christmas gift. Badly.

The longest DLC yet? Does it last at least one hour?

Great comparison.

Her purpose in this movie was to show that not every trooper wears toilet bowl armor. Or something.

I was going to get a PS4 just for this game, but seeing how Carrot Top is in it, I refuse to buy it. The last thing I need are lame prop jokes about “booty.”