The mental gymnastics HRC supporters are doing regarding this subject are on a Simone Biles level.
The mental gymnastics HRC supporters are doing regarding this subject are on a Simone Biles level.
If they had a pair they wouldn’t have given it a green light in the first place.
We also elected a vice-president. So I guess Obama should just step down whenever someone makes an allegation.
Agreed with all of that, but I’m still stuck on why are we protesting the death of a guy who robbed a convenience store then assaulted and tried to grab an officer’s gun?
So corporations voluntarily hurt their profits in order to promote patriarchy?
You don’t know anything about capitalism, do you?
How is it that she keeps losing in court but no one questions the credibility of these claims?
Calling someone a dipshit is not treating them with respect. It’s one thing to be polite. It is another to freak out anytime someone has an opinion that doesn’t conform to left-wing orthodoxy.