
I am looking forward to the statement from the DA. Hopefully you guys will report it honestly, because this sounds like complete bullshit.

But if you make the decision to have sex with somebody while you’re drunk, you aren’t responsible for that. It is rape.

You sound pretty skeptical about this woman’s rape claim Anna. You cover every other one as if it is absolute unquestionable fact. What happened to “I choose to believe women”??? Wonder why the sudden change in tone...

We know they were too chickenshit to stand up to SJWs and Feminists and shut down a movie that was always bound to fail. And that has resulted in millions of dollars in losses for shareholders. So don’t worry it won’t be their fear of losing money that drives their actions.

Any specific instance of somebody being assaulted sexually or otherwise, or robbed or anything is less important than the democratic process being upended due to the fact that people could be eliminated from participating simply because of an accusation. Pretty obvious how a policy like that could be maliciously

Are you really trying to make a point with this? The prices are dictated by the market, not some unsubstantiated theory that you contrived. That’s why pink costs more than blue.

The young woman IS with the man because SHE has a problem. Otherwise she would ditch the guy.

She swore in a deposition in 2011 that he never made any sexual advances. She has a massive financial incentive and has outlined what she hopes to gain from making the accusation. And she has no evidence. Pretty sure there was no allegation made in 2005 but would like to see it if you have it. Its hard to believe he

The only people who care about this are feminists. Everybody else knows she is obviously lying and has moved on.

Women don’t lie about rape. Even when they have multi-million $ financial incentives to.

Hillary Clinton is the preferred candidate of Goldman Sachs. They own her.