
Nope, actually their standards are slightly lower. Being how different bovine biology is from human biology, most raw beef in general is safe to eat.

“Sure enough, there are portions of Fallout 4 where the story railroads the player into killing certain key characters.”

Mavis Beacon FTW

Right? That mermaid. wut.


Holy cow! They still make Vaio?

Yes, he’s the moon, everyone look at the moon.

So much awesome here.

You’re secretly Michael Bay aren’t you?

That shadow crossing by just reminded me of Actraiser.

I applaude you once again for a simple video article, one that sparks the best/worst of comments.

Absolutely would love to have the class-based grenades back from TFC!


Or that magical unicorn game you accepted as a serious gift.

Now playing

1st day of spring: open season on the LA freeway.

"Mmmmm, Gonna put you in a little dress and hurt you."

I would buy it immediately if they did.

This is the only one I've seen until now, I mean aside from the french text, and I live in Minnesnowta...