
Avenger NOOOOOO!

Too soon.

You answered your own question.


You forget to mention, they never took IE's lighter and matches and keys to your house away.

That is from a movie, I forget the name of it, it's russian. But it's not real just fyi.

I thought I dropped acid... Then I realized it was his Tumblr.

Oh Boris... No your not.

Blah blah, PC Master Race blah blah..

Frankie-Fucking Four Fingers!

Yep, no one in particular *cough* WB Montreal *cough*...

"Pando" the collection of Aspen trees in Utah is actually only about 100 acres total, far smaller than this.


Plot? In a Micheal Bay film? Nonsense.

Excellent article!

Once again, South Park points out the hilarious (and dark) truth.

Never bought a CoD game, I doubt I ever will. I play with friends occasionally, but I've never had so much fun that I've wanted to go out and pay money for it.

Watched this on Conan earlier, was totally waiting for the funeral scene..

It's Marvel, not DC..

But if we're talking Superman Prime (One Million), no version of Goku could win, he's essentially God at that point..