“cousins and brothers”
“cousins and brothers”
but I dont think this will be a “open” game ... looks a lot more story/sequence focused like an Uncharted type game.
But...I kinda like those kind of games.
Linear story where the game will switch avengers on different levels and you play them. On some levels when all the action is boiling down it will switch from avenger to avenger based on cues in the story or gameplay. Like suddenly a huge wave of tanks will arrive: bam, you’re switched to playing the hulk and you…
This is the hardest it has ever been to counter in AC. Yeah, it’s still easy. But you just always held a button/trigger for like the first 4 games.
Odyssey is probably the best UbiSoft game that most people ignored because it was an AC game. If I had to choose between this and Witcher III, I’d be hard pressed to choose between them at this point.
Am I weird for thinking that pretty much all white people who want to own guns are pathetic cowards but pretty much all POC who want to own guns are being smart?
How you fuckers get internet service in those little trash cans you live in baffles me.
I live in Texas so I cannot speak about the California CVS employees, but I would not expect CVS employees here to intervene in most situations. Outside of the canned, “welcome to CVS” greeting, you don’t get a lot of social interaction during a routine transaction so I don’t expect them to boss up during a hostile…
“Bitch saw a black face and that police training kicked in. Shoot now, lie about it later.”
13 to 15 feet from the door is literally the back wall of my house. If the lights were off she had no idea what she was shooting at and if the lights were on she should be able to tell it wasn’t her place. Bitch saw a black face and that police training kicked in. Shoot now, lie about it later.
This is stupid. Why apologize? The apology isn’t the stupid part, FEELING like you have to apologize is. The Article had a title that got a lot of clicks, but RIGHT at the top, once you click the article, is a description of what we were going to see below. Anyone reading the TITLE of the article knew what they could…
Everyone is forgetting that his success isn’t from anything traditional to hip hop or the music business in general. He’s famous for social media. He can make his money on youtube views and merch cause white kids in Nebraska don’t care about snitching.
Counterpoint: Snitching isn’t about non-criminals telling on criminals. It’s about being a criminal and not selling out other criminals to reduce your own time. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.
But snitching is demonstrably a terrible activity that tears communities apart, fosters mistrust and paranoia, and grants greater power to authorities who enforce unjust laws. There’s a real hypocrisy in exposing criminality in the lower echelons of society while refusing to do anything about the mega-crooks who contro…
The whiteness of the avclub reveals itself het again.
It’s outsourcing, plain and simple. Chartwells isn’t exactly a tiny startup in South Bend. As for local connections to the school board, you’re right, you probably don’t have to look too far.
Howdy officer. Beat any minorities today? Fuck the cops and anyone who cooperates with them. And the lily white peckerwoods who argue for snitching. You upvvote this shit you’re rat fink scum
School lunches have been going wrong (wronger?) since the “central kitchen model” was introduced in the 80's. At our elementary school in the 70's the lunch ladies - always ladies - actually cooked. Some of it was amazing, some of it was good, some of it was okay, and some of it was pretty bad. But it was always hot…