
(Or that his current wife doesn’t speak six languages, have an architecture degree, or was a supermodel)

Yeah, I wonder if the “you can only be an American if both our grandparents were Americans” crowd knows that? I’m sure they’ll tell you it’s fake news.

For the record, Our President’s mother may have been an American citizen when he was born, but she was born in another country (Scotland) and grew up speaking a language other than English (Gaelic).

Personally, I believe yesterday’s shenanigans reveal a lot more about the people commenting—and our community as a whole—than they do Meghan.

That is the thing about a health screening. Everyone it catches does not necessarily have the disease in question. But it’s one of those civil society things. Society depends on the innate decency of humans to tell the truth, then those honest humans suffer personal inconvenience for the greater good. Without that?

We need to revise our bio terror laws, because she needs to be in prison for a very, very, very long time.

On behalf of all french people: Fuck you with a rusty rake.

“Old man yells at Cloud,” except instead of Abe Simpson it’s Joe Biden and the cloud is Cloud Strife.

the cats called Khaleesi make much more sense, honestly

Kinda like all the baby girls called Khaleesi... Ooops! 

Joke’s on them! I still use adblocker.

These people need to be treated like the inconsequential turds they are. Let’s all get out in the next election and STEAMROLL them in to oblivion. Then we can figure out how to finally finish Reconstruction and get rid of this rot in our society.

Listen up all of you dixie whistling Nazi fucks, there would be no ISIS or theocratic Iran if it wasn’t for American traitors, mostly republicans, willing to lick Saudi ass for oil and money. George W. Bush made ISIS and his Saudi puppeteers are still paying for it.

I really liked it. Saw it several times. And I majored in film theory and history. It’s such a well directed movie, with so well written characters, handling viewer’s emotions perfectly, with a visually beautiful made up world.

You lost me at Andromeda. That game is good, people need to stop smoking crack before they play it. And 3 was great too, only the first ending sucked and they changed it anyway. This game does blow, and I didn't like dragon age of fetchquest but Andromeda was great if you actually play it. Would've loved some dlc or

It is great to fly around in anthem... for the 10 seconds you can fly until your jets burn out and you have to recharge them... Content dearth aside, the second biggest sin they commited with this game is that they gave you an iron man suit to fly in, then limited it’s flight capabilities to an arbitrary and absurd

Except there is never anything funny about sex offenders. Just like there is never anything funny about rape, but you still get 1000 jokes about it anytime some famous person gets sent to prison. 

Didnt even go as far as taking a camera into a public washroom like that other dipshit streamer and seems to have gotten a bigger punishment. Seems microsoft at least has a shred of decency above twitch. So far at least.

It seems he cut himself with his own edginess.

Not weird, unlocked often don’t. You’re able to install it though, I believe it just acts like a plug-in behind the scenes.

Everyone turned out fine in the end.