
You are literally a fucking idiot and I pray you never fucking breed.

My currently locked to t-Mobile S8 did not come with Carrier Services but a simple search in the Play Store found it. I already had RCS enabled thanks to other stuff that Google did last month.

Stick with Transformers cause your opinions about anything else are complete fucking shit.

Once again reminded me the excellence of your writing and observation skills. And I also hate phone calls.

My interest in this game when initially announced was in the negative numbers. But now, seeing what they have done and how committed Hello Games are, I am sooo close to buying it. The only reason I haven’t at this point is between Origin Access and XBox Game Pass for PC I currently have no shortage of games to play.

Lol, shut the fuck up Geoff.

Who the fuck is named Geoff much less Geoff Worling? Old diabetic white men, that’s who. No one is the last century has named their child “Geoff” for fuck’s sake.

That’s funny considering you are literally a 50 year old diabetic white man but OK.

Lol fucking moron

I used to agree but my director and I are seriously thinking of making 16GB the new standard as almost everything students do these days is web based and Chrome can straight chew through RAM like candy.

Good god you are such a whiny fucking cunt.

Lying ass motherfucker, no way in hell you graduated from high school much less college.

Imagine being such a giant fucking cunt that you go around spouting this kind of bullshit. Cunt.

Fuck Blizzard and the Chinese government.

Yes, and the cookies it cuts will be delicious.

Then fuck off to an article about a game series you actually like then.

Lol, you're a fucking dumbass. 

Fuck off cracker

Your mom is an embarrassment. 

Go fuck yourself