So, if I buy the PS3 version now, I can get the Vita version free, and the PS4 version for $5? Or is it only for people who bought it before this announcement?
So, if I buy the PS3 version now, I can get the Vita version free, and the PS4 version for $5? Or is it only for people who bought it before this announcement?
Yeah you can. Its not easy but I did it last year by accident. Jumped out of the lava myself with a friend as a witness. We were both shocked cause we didn't know it was possible. I looked online afterwards and discovered it was.
Mario is actually doing a walljump on the cover. Not dying.
I'm so sorry! He is real! Just praise the force every night and he might show up and tell you that he won't strangle you that night!
PokeTransfer should still work.
Well sure, I mean Abe Lincoln wouldn't stand a chance, but by god he'd be one of the only people to stand up to him!
Well Walter White and Rick Grimes made sense because they were both leads on hit shows on the same network. I mean you're right that they should battle against someone real maybe, but really, what real person could hold a candle to Goku or Superman? Its way past the realm of belief that anyone short of an entire army…
Both destined for greater things, seemingly immortal (age wise at least), and the strongest of their own kind and of humans. Yeah, pretty much the same.
Pretty sure a real person battling against a fake one still makes it fake. Star Wars didn't even exist in Hitler's life so it really doesn't matter that Hitler was real. Besides its Epic Rap Battles of History. They never said real history. Superman and Dragonball Z is just as much a part of our culture's history than…
I was kind of trying to be vague with that first line. Just trying to show how they're not really different. Goku is basically Japan's Superman and most people have at least heard the name Goku before if they've heard of Superman. I think they're both just fun and a little absurd.
It came as a surprise to me too! But now can you rest easy knowing you don't need to tremble in fear of him every night!
That's not even fair! My poo is better than Dragonball Evolution!
You do realize the 2nd episode ever of ERB had Vader right? Pretty sure he isn't real.
Rasputin vs. Stalin was a great one as well.
Cause a guy who powers up to beat overwhelming enemies is so much more retarded than a guy who wears underwear on his outside. They're both silly but fun. The only losers are ones who have to have pissing matches on which fictional character is better.
So we will not need a copy of the game to play it?
But it is on the 360.
Jason, do you know if this retroactively applies to games that you got before this announcement? For instance my girlfriend plays Civilization Revolution like a mad man but her gold sub expired. Will the game no longer be playable, or since it was free before this announcement will she get to keep it?
I can't say for sure, but as long as it is on the proper size SD card before you put it on the Wii it should work fine.