Arok Lazarus

Yeah I didn't realize either until over halfway through the game but thankfully I still had time to fully upgrade it. It is massively powerful. Like up to 9000 damage per enemy and by the end of the game I could cast it three times without needing to refill PP. So really the only time it wasn't able to instakill for

I recently beat it and found the combat to be pretty good. Of course I was not aware just how overpowered the Jew class winds up. I was beating almost every battle (bosses included) in just 1-2 turns using the Dreidel attack that summons Moses. Fully upgraded it made the game stupidly easy. Though I still had a blast

Ohp, you're right. Most are likely watching it through Kai.

That's possible. I wouldn't have known about DBZ as a kid if not for my much older cousins and Toonami. It seems weird to me they'd use the Internet for it this early, but it is a different generation.

I have a sister in 3rd grade too! And I'm 21 haha. I should ask her if she knows anyone who knows about DBZ. Considering DBZ isn't on American TV or streaming services I wonder how these kids are watching it. Maybe their parents are showing it to them!

You know, I always hear big anime buffs rag on it because it doesn't have some grand story or something. But I don't think it needs that. I've always loved that its more about its characters. I love how many villains become long time cast members and join the good guys. Majin Buu, Tien, Piccolo, Vegeta, Android 18,

I worked at a daycare last semester and a 9 year old was reading the DBZ mangas. He was shocked when I told him that I still watch it. It seems DBZ is practically timeless.

I think he said he's only temporary. Wouldn't mind if he stayed though.

Owen, I've been a commenter and reader on Kotaku for about 5 years now. I don't comment much because I rarely have much to say, but I do want to say that I will miss you and your articles. It was always a joy knowing there would be plenty of quality articles to read and enjoy every weekend.

I was sure it'd be Yoshi cause he's getting 2 games this year. Or maybe the yarn one is next year. Didn't realize he was turning 25 next year. You're probably right then.

Persona Q is coming to North America, but I doubt it will get its own 3DS.

Anyone else expecting that Nintendo will call this the Year of Yoshi?

Considering people got upset enough to get refunds of Bioshock Infinite because Booker got baptized, I'd agree with you totally. People get upset over stupid things and they would be up on arms at this point in time over playing as a homosexual.

Sorry :/

Just so you know, they've said that on every update. In fact, in December they said "look for a lot more info on heists by New Years!"

Heavenly Sword

Is Proteus something anyone here can recommend?


I'm more fond of the 2D ones but both are fantastic and would be great on the WiiU.