Tom Friedman's Cab Driver

A show can be sold to syndication at any time. Community was sold to Comedy Central after 71 episodes had been made and before it was renewed for season 4.

There are three left!

I finally got the ep to load properly on CW's site so I can quote the good ones:
Naomi Bunch: "15 Foods to Avoid Gaining Weight. Do not eat!"
The Yoga Spot: "Rebecca, you have 19 remaining yoga classes"
Lourdes Chan: "this month's book club"

I liked how bewildered and maybe a bit jealous Josh became when Paula was saying how hot Greg was.

Rebecca's inbox was packed with gems despite being on camera for about three total seconds.

However, the Taxman is going to take a large percentage of it.

Which is imputed to Clark for some reason.

You haven't been picking up pills off of bathroom floors and eating them, have you?

My hunch is that they're getting people older than typical CW viewers to watch, which means they probably have more money. However I fast-forward the ads so I haven't been able to get a sense of who they're targeting.

I know! I promise to get caught up before season 3!

My thinking is that Jane the Virgin and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend probably pull in demographics that didn't watch CW before and might be more desirable for advertisers.

LA is nearly equally distant from Hawaii and New York City.

I try to mentally place myself in the mind of someone hearing about CDs when they were announced in 1981 or whenever. It must have seemed like alien technology or just too good to be true which is probably a big reason the vinyl superiority meme caught on. Although I like vinyl also.

Haha, a fellow high-res format enthusiast. There are dozens of us! Dozens!

Like you hand someone an 8-track and say, "I made this just for you!" so they have to start going to yard sales every weekend until they find a working player?

It was meant to be both "you're dead see… word." and "you're dead, c-word." but I think she rushed it a bit so that only the second meaning really landed.

I was wondering what artist they were most closely imitating with the JAP Battle Rap and your mention of the Beastie Boys makes me think it was them, specifically "So What Cha Want" or "Sure Shot".

The big reason Greg is trapped in West Covina is to take care of his sick dad who doesn't have any other relatives close by.

It was also a diss on Rebecca's weight.

More that they tried to make it look realistic and even plugged cables into the guitars.