Tom Friedman's Cab Driver

I like that they put a capo on her guitar during the shoot.

Is Great Job, Internet! the Subway or the Arby's of this metaphor?

Real life work acquaintances

Oh man. I try not to think about these things too much because the eventual explanation almost always disappoints me. But "Paula did it" is just about perfect.

I don't care what other foreshadowing they pay off so long as I get my "West Brovinas" barbershop number.

Maybe she sensed that her "relationship" was under scrutiny and got in touch with Trent to back her up? I feel like that is (slightly) less outlandish than a guy having no reaction to being kissed by a stranger after being invited to an apartment by two other strangers.

You go back and you get her Busy Bee!

Yeah, Hector and White Josh could be a buffer, but calling in two more guys that Rebecca only met once was overdoing it. Not cancelling even though he had second thoughts is true to his character.

She usually tweets during both the Eastern and Pacific airings of each episode. Last night she posted that the idea of suing the landlord and the Cold Showers song were both going to be in the second episode when they originally planned out the season.

I guess it was faithful to "Ya Got Trouble" (which I've just watched on YouTube), but I kept getting thrown out of rhythm by the lyrics not rhyming.

That will prove how straight we are!

Yer bi, mate!

Definitely the point for me when the show went from "very enjoyable" to "save episodes on the DVR to watch multiple times".

They seem to be very picky. I got a household survey last fall but didn't get selected for the actual box or weekly diary. I only got to tell them what my favorite show was. I would have picked Crazy Ex-Girlfriend but it hadn't started airing yet 😢.

That's why I like the idea of assigning an ever increasing fee to renew a copyright after a moderate initial term.

How are you going to keep them on the farm once they've seen Karl Hungus?

I don't think there's been enough appreciation for the idea of a restaurant that specializes in Fondue delivery. The cheese does not congeal before it gets to your house, it's important that people realize that!

It's not on Hulu or CW's site any more, but I did watch it on the weekend and I'm nearly certain "down ten thousand" is right. I think it makes more sense in context (the loss of $10,000 was a result of her trying to impress him, can't he at least give her a free beer after that?) and I also think even Rebecca would…

No, she was "down ten thousand dollars" after planting cash in Daryl's wife's luggage which she didn't get back. I think we're meant to believe most if not all of her education has been paid for and she banked a lot of the money she made in New York like Hang said.

I want to rewatch that episode, but my memory is that along with Greg being snotty, her decision to only make "healthy choices" drained her emotional willpower to the point that she flipped and became even more impulsive and self sabotaging.