Tom Friedman's Cab Driver

And they memorialized that incident into a seasonal beer named "Undercover Shutdown Ale".


Dr. Katz, I think I'm fallin' hard for Dr. Katz.
And even though I know that it ain't right,
Every night, it's me and him in my dreams, in my dreams.

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Earl Milford would be spinning in his grave, if he were in one!

I love to wash down my delicious gluten-free pork rinds with gluten-free mineral water.

As the oil breaks down by being at high temperatures for so long it gets better at transferring heat to the food.

I filter my frying oil with a coffee filter, and keep it in the fridge. I'll use it for other cooking and if I want to fry with it I'll usually add about 50% fresh oil.

Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Do They Know Things?? Let's Find Out!

I was too lazy to brew my own ginger beer this summer, instead I mix seltzer with ginger juice at approximately 4 parts seltzer to 1 part juice and 0.5 parts sugar syrup.

To reheat rice back to fluffiness you basically have to resteam it by cooking it covered with a bit of liquid at medium or lower temperature.

We could choose a different studio, but only about one person per page did and they kind of stand out. I don't remember if the jacket and tie were actually required but if it not they were strongly suggested. I'll have to have a look through my yearbook to see if there were any rebels.

At my school the photo studio had jackets, shirts and clip-on bow ties.

It would be nice if they'd do some cocktails with more common or at least more reusable ingredients. Or, since the theme seems to be doing twists on classic recipes, cover both recipes so I don't have to look up the original in case the proportions are different.

You kill baby Hitler & his memory fades from your consciousness. You don't remember why you did it, but you never forget murdering that baby.

They'd do viewers a much bigger favor by leaving the resolution alone and streaming 1080p at the higher bitrate.

The bit about splitting the cable so you could get stereo through your FM receiver is actually a neat idea that I didn't know about before.

I'm blaming Modern Family for keeping Crazy Ex-Girlfriend off the list.

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