
They say madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, but I bet your next time doing the same thing will be lucky! Those other people, who vary their character picks and strategies are just quitters.

America truly is a great country. The Deadspin staff’s new ambition is for Tomi Lahren to disembowel us.

She’s gonna make a great Facebook aunt someday.

This is a big win for the procrastinators among us who still haven’t purchased Journey.

There are STILL people hunting for an extra chest in Destiny’s first raid, so this doesn’t surprise me at all.

You’ve done zilch to support your assertion that Mike Carey was terrible at his job. I’ll help you start, Mike Carey is bad at his job because ....

In the competitive world of *insert anything remotely competitive here*, clutch has been a thing for most of my 27 years on this planet.

That’s been the most used word in competitive multiplayer for the last couple of years I think.

Well, yeah.

You poor soul. I felt similar after seeing Bernard Pollard jackknife directly into Brady’s knee one quarter into the season, but at least it didn’t happen in practice.

... annnd Adrian Peterson loses a kid he actually cared about.

His mistake was not hitting a woman with a belt. Then he would have had to run windsprints.

I know we’re supposed to keep it light and humorous, but that kid has serious problems. That video is horrific. That poor animal.

Wow. They already have one QB who can’t stand up; why add another?

That sound you heard was Drew Magary spiraling down a vortex of sorrow.

RIP Teddy Bridgewater


Using veterans as a reason to be upset by a citizen’s completely legal protest is a copout. The purpose of protest is to make people uncomfortable. The ugly truth is that this country was built in spite of and purposefully against black people in particular. I think his protest is justified, especially if it means we

It’s a good version but the whole Bible seems a bit much for the average person’s head.

Are you kidding me? The dev even went on Colbert’s show to lie about online capabilities.