
I keep reading “Klayman” as “Klanman”. I just can’t read it any other way.

Fantastic, now I need to go dig up all of my victims and put them somewhere else. Thanks, Nintendo!

dear neighborhood kids - stop taking my squirtles!

I dunno what that Tom Brady one is supposed to mean, but man do I wanna go fucking do something! I dunno what that something is, but goddamn do I really want to do it.

Are you really arguing the guy who won 8 gold medals in one Olympics is overrated?


Just waiting for some horrifying woman’s cloyster pics to show up in response to this new version of dick pics.

As a Pats fan I giggled.

You really are an old, beige guy.

Additional little-known facts:

Yadier Molina didn’t make the roster. Off to Twitter to see delusional Cardinal fans complain

No one feels bad for the cardinals.

Picture of Michael Gardener

People are really gonna be confused why you used Zootopia as the first image, Luke.

Yeah, Stephen A Smith does a lot of weird things...

You know how you can tell when something is about the money? It is whenever somebody claims “it’s not about the money.”

This is the dumbest fucking argument I’ve ever heard. So pro athletes are bad guys when they go for the biggest bucks. But they’re bad guys when they go for less bucks to go to a team that is most likely to get them a ring. I guess the only right move KD could have made would be to take less bucks to go to the Knicks.

Stories: The Path of Destinies, which I recently discovered on a PSN sale, and boy, it’s GOOD. Sure, it’s got one of the worst titles I’ve ever seen for a game, but the game is solid gold, something like Bastion mixed with Majora’s Mask, go try it people, specially now that’s on sale.

You have to love the ref kicking the shit out of the guy.

Better remove cruise control then as well.