
I think the issue is more like “What do you mean not everybody has 4K 27 inch monitors that they sit in front of them on a desk a foot away”.

And here my wife and I are playing duos on our side by side TVs on PS4 :-D

Oh yes, because American companies like EA and Bungie would never fail to be completely transparent in the workings of their games and underlying systems... You’re displaying a shocking level of ignorance here....

The shift is incredibly simple, and has nothing to do with changes in leadership. The company with the largest lead in the market will not support cross-play. Why? Simple business, by allowing their competitor’s players to pair up with theirs they are reducing consumers desire/incentive to buy their products.

It astounds me that they haven’t enabled building order customization yet. So many times I’ve gone “I’ll just put this ramp here” only to watch it build a floor as I get shot up.

I’m just now starting to get into building and I’m kinda glad I waited until I had a good grasp on landing, looting, and gun fights. It’s insane though because it literally opened up the game like I wouldn’t have believed possible. Still suck at what I’ll call “combat building” where I’m trying to outbuild my opponent

Not sure if the image showed in my previous comment.

If you use the app it shows any cross buy titles for all applicable systems, so you just buy the correct version. See the image below it has Grand Kingdom twice, once for Vita and once for PS4. Not sure how they show up in the PS4 store though.

I miss Stargate: Universe so freaking much....

Hi! Many people can’t afford fast internet, or don’t have fast internet available to them. So this “on no it’ll take 30 minutes to play your game” is fucking bullshit.

I fell in love with the Insect Glaive and have used it almost exclusively. My friends kept complaining about Anjanath doing the “surprise! Fire of a thousand suns” move and instantly killing them, but it never was an issue for me.

This question kind of astounds me, considering the last two Super Bowl losses the general attitude of Pats fans was “damn, can’t win them all, and they had some miracle plays”.

I felt pretty much the same way until I tried the insect glaive (I think that’s what it was called). I hated the swords and axes and hammers, but the insect glaive was loads of fun.

So, go fuck yourself. Just like the rest of America we are a diverse group, many of whom loathe the Republicans.

Saying the Patriots have the 29th ranked Defense is playing pretty hard into your own story here. Yes they’re ranked 29th in yards allowed, but’s they’re 5th in points, which is significantly more important to you know, winning the game.

I’ll be honest I’d grown tired of the Save/Kill “meme” (not the best word for it) over the last couple years so I’m glad they did something different.

Awesome, thanks again.

H1Z1 was the first one I thought of, but I wasn’t sure exactly how it related to the battle royale concept (for example, I don’t know if there was ever a “winner” in H1Z1 matches, I always thought it was just a drop in/drop out thing). Thanks for the genuine response.

As others have said if we are going to say “free for all FPS” counts as the founder of Battle Royale games then we might as well say “Pong” (or whatever the name of the original table tennis game was, because I know someone will come on and “well, actually” me saying Pong) counts because it originated videogames.

I’m kind of curious, what games came before it? I’ve never followed closely (and don’t currently play battle royale games) but I always thought of PUBG as the originator.