
Anyone know of a store in the DC/Baltimore area where I can grab it? I’m kid and wife free until Sunday and would love to get some time in before then.

Uhmmmm... That's not a chart, it's a picture with a useless line on it.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who came away from that post with this lesson.

While I can't speak for others I can tell you those sites would be frowned upon by my raid team, particularly my wife.

That’s my thing. I understand why they justified removing elemental primaries, being the only primaries with elements removed some of the variety. I just don’t get why “let other primaries have elements” wasn't a possible solution.

There are a large number of LFG websites!

I do. I still love Destiny. Here’s a picture of what you sound like though, just for fun:

I’m desperately hoping they are waiting to say something to the effect of: “Elemental shards: this new item can be used to infuse any primary with the element corresponding to the element of the shard!”. Rare drop item from raid and Trials chest.

Right? Stupid fucking VoG helmet! Stupid fucking Crota chest piece! HoW we’re cool though.

Dude!!!!! I can stand on the platforms if you need help!

I’m in the middle honestly. It’s totally possible he’s got a demo, a devbuild, a gold release for the 21 June date, or an actual retail copy. All it tells me is that I'm going to wait a few days to buy my copy.

Gaining unauthorized access, no matter how, constitutes breaking the security system. Guess what one of the most common means of breaking into an account has been for the last twenty years? Brute force hacking. Guess what brute force hacking is, that’s right! Guessing the password over and over again.

My favorite part is that both sides of the conspiracy are being complete and total asshats.

Yeah that’s accurate.

That is still more difficult. Yeah maybe you get lucky and get the dumb support guy but most of the time it could take a few hours to get the level of detail you need to do that successfully. Personally I find the easiest way is to get two support staffers on the phone at the same time and pry for information from one

They are only easy to hack if you use a shitty password and no 2FA. It's still possible even with a string password and 2FA but it's more difficult.

The second definition is what they did though. They circumvented security by guessing the password, granting them access to his account. That is absolutely hacking. Yes it’s low tech, but the best hacks often are. Want to know the best way I’ve ever used to gain access? Drop a USB drive in the parking lot with

You can support these leaks while also acknowledging that WikiLeaks fucked up. I support pretty much every document that was released except purely personal communications. However WikiLeaks did nothing to protect the innocent people that weren't even involved in the emailing itself. Donors private info, and reporters

I’m sure you feel great with all those glorious stars but did you even read the fucking article? It clearly stated that the info showing corruption in the Democratic Primary was vital and absolutely should have been released. The social security numbers, names, dates of birth, phone numbers, etc SHOULD NOT have been

Queue my fellow Pats fans: