
That is still more difficult. Yeah maybe you get lucky and get the dumb support guy but most of the time it could take a few hours to get the level of detail you need to do that successfully. Personally I find the easiest way is to get two support staffers on the phone at the same time and pry for information from one

They are only easy to hack if you use a shitty password and no 2FA. It's still possible even with a string password and 2FA but it's more difficult.

The second definition is what they did though. They circumvented security by guessing the password, granting them access to his account. That is absolutely hacking. Yes it’s low tech, but the best hacks often are. Want to know the best way I’ve ever used to gain access? Drop a USB drive in the parking lot with

Queue my fellow Pats fans:

Are you new here?

My wife literally can't watch Pedroia bat because of his routine. He stretches his face (awkward but accurate description I think) like five times per pitch and it makes her gag. She's learned the lineup solely so she can not watch when Pedroia is up lol.

What's one game that you dreaded reviewing or thought you would hate but then liked/loved once you finished the review?

It’s our annual “week without kids” anniversary for the next six days so my wife and I plan on doing a whole bunch of coop fun. We're planning a DRL tournament (Drunken Rocket League) with a few friends of ours, raiding in Destiny, playing Super Mario 3D Land (World?), Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, and Octodad to name

I’ve got over 200 NES, SNES, Genesis and PS cartridges and discs laying around my house. Most of my consoles are broken, yet thanks to my Raspberry Pi I can still play them legally. Just because something can be used for illegal means doesn’t mean there aren’t justified legal reasons to do the same thing.

I’ve got over 200 NES, SNES, Genesis and PS cartridges and discs laying around my house. Most of my consoles are

If a set includes 2 that's not terrible.

Not to mention Metro Redux (including both games) for like $8!

Not to mention Metro Redux (including both games) for like $8!

The Gulf War. I remember because my grandfather had just retired from the Army a year prior, and he ended up getting deployed as a civilian consultant supporting it. I remember the day he found out, he got a call on the house phone and he only asked three questions: How long? How much am I being paid? Can you double

It's called a hustle sweetheart!

No really, I need to convince my wife to let me buy one of these. I can not eat a few days this month....

Ewwwwww!!!!! TAC-SYS scopes????

Fair warning on the Red Cross radio: Make sure you test it before you depend on it for weather alerts. I don’t say this because it might not work, I say this because the factory default volume level on all weather alerts is “Holy shit we are all gonna die” with a side of “levitating out of your bed and skin

Fair warning on the Red Cross radio: Make sure you test it before you depend on it for weather alerts. I don’t say

I’m actually really glad they went so heavily in favor of function (cheap computer you can hold in your hand) versus flash.

Boo yah!!! Thanks!

Does Persona work on the PSTV? I loaned it to a friend because my Vita died, but I might have to get it back if it works on the PSTV.

Congrats on your A+ cert! What are you working on next?