
I love my cats, but damn if this isn't accurate all the same.

Most people assume that getting them declawed literally means that they just remove the claws. They don’t understand that it means amputating part of the cat’s toes.

You’ll notice right before the “May 24th” section it lists “Coming Soon”. The list covers this week, and then includes a note for the following Tuesday.

Let's be honest, haven't we all dreamed of a world where the nice people of Philadelphia are terrorized for their crimes against Santa Claus?


You got me to laugh so loud my cat started levitating, so yeah you can stay.

In reading the rule that a fellow commenter looked up my guess is they consider the post game celebration part of the same game.

That’s the part I don’t get. Absolute douche look yelling “Fuck You” to an ump, but the game was over at that point so why can’t he come on the field? Sounds like the MLB doesn’t have the balls to just say “You can’t tell fuck you to a ump", though that could be CBA related (I'd find it hard to believe that they don't

He seems like the kind of guy that would do exactly that. Walk around putting selfies on Instagram, hash tagging things like #HisGooseIsCooking and #FunUmpsCallKs.

I'm a few hours away but I'm considering taking a road trip and hitting every Chipotle on the way.

That's actually a great way to describe it. Once things start rolling it feels fast, but the actual movement speed feels a bit too slow to me.

Honestly I don't know that it's actually slow, I think it's messing with me that there isn't a dedicated sprint button

Is it really that hard to just get the guy a bike to sit on?

I'll be giving Overwatch a shot. One issue I've had is that it feels really slow compared to other shooters. I'm hoping I adjust to it after a bit of play, but right now it's a bit too slow for me to really get into.

Glad I could help :-D

Here you go :-)

So if you look at my profile you can choose my discussions. Go back a few months and reply to a comment I've made. I'll post the code in a reply to that.

Awesome glad I could help :-) I’ve got a GameStop about 2 minutes from my house so if this is a promotion they do often just let me know and I can grab you a code.

Hmmmm. I gave Pedro his by using something he commented on a few months ago. I'm not sure a secure way to get you a code without someone possibly stealing it.

Code for you: