
Couldn't have said it better myself! I just pre-ordered mine!

Same. I love my Xbox 360 and mostly ignore my PS3, so I was ready to buy the next Xbox, but Microsoft lost my sale with their online check bullshit and the used games shenanigans. I'll have to get used to PS controls, which I've come to find a bit awkward after years of Xbox use, but I'll deal with it.

Same here. This XBro will gladly become a SonyBoy or whatever they are called. I'm really quite stunned by Sony's lack of DRM. And multiplayer requiring PSN+ is a thing I can clearly live with as I already was with Live.

Same here. I always own all the console in a generation, but for the last decade Xbox has been my favorite. With today's announcements sealing the deal, I've made a decision I didn't think I would make: I will never buy an Xbox One. I'll leave an out: if Microsoft does a 100% about-face and changes their policies, AND

Yep Same here. As much as i prefer the Xbox controller..i cannot ignore Sony's devotion to gamers. PS4 pre-ordered.

I'm like and with you. It'd be interested to see if MS will back down on these Gestapo-like policies. Until that time it's Ps4 for me.