How much time does it take for a price change to go into effect? The cynic in me wants to believe they changed it once they saw they were featured on Giz.
How much time does it take for a price change to go into effect? The cynic in me wants to believe they changed it once they saw they were featured on Giz.
The Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix, AZ has one of these. I can't remember the name or the country of origin, but I've seen it.
Quitting Facebook isn't unrealistic at all. I'm an information junkie, and I quit. The world didn't end. I still have friends. Granted, I miss out on more party invites than I used to, but since when was that the best reason for having a Facebook?
Great find! This is awesome!
Yeaaaah Richie!
Yes, there's lots of confidential store-ops data on the Store Servers, but I can promise you that there won't be anything on new products. In fact, there's very little you can learn from this drive that you couldn't by asking a former employee.
I'm waiting to see what iPhone 5 has to offer against the next crop of WP7 hardware. If the Nokia phone is as awesome as everyone thinks it will be, that might be enough for me to adopt WP7 to replace my 2+ year old Palm Pre. That being said, if iPhone comes to Sprint, I'm all over it.
I don't want to be THAT guy...but this was posted yesterday.
Amazing article! Thanks for sharing!
*Great Comment*
Unless you've entered the security-screening area. Then you can't leave, but you also can't board the plane if you don't agree to the security measures. It's like you'll exist in limbo.
The Pre 3 should have been released last year. They're continually a product cycle behind the competition. If the iPhone on Sprint rumors are true, I'm all over that. Or if they get some decent WP7 hardware.
I've tried Android, I've tried WP7, I've have numerous iOS devices. But I've returned all other phones. I keep coming back to webOS because of how intuitive and beautifully designed the OS is. Multitasking is still a million times better on webOS with gestures than any other platform.
Higher pay attracts better talent. The next time you go into an Apple Store to have your Mac or iPhone serviced, who would you rather have help you? The hipster teenager making a bit more than minimum wage, or a professional making a decent wage. The best talent leaves the store to start independent consulting…
Most retail employees don't have considerable technical knowledge that many people pay hundreds of dollars to get certified for.
There's a reason why Genius Bar Tales exists...
Is that sarcasm? Apple products are expensive for other reasons. Microsoft Store employees get hired at $17 an hour, and part-timers get full benefits. Apple only does benefits if you've been there for at least a year at part-time.
Considering some of the employees should be making $30+ an hour for the amount of knowledge and skill they posess, it's not unreasonable to ask for more money than Apple pays. When Apple started out, they paid nearly twice as much to attract talent. Now that they know they have droves of people wanting employment at…
Very true, and I concede that this indeed one likely possibility. I wouldn't put it past Apple to simply be prepared when this service is useful. The thing to think about is that, at that point in the future, how will our cultural notion of privacy have changed? Think of how much it's changed in the last decade since…
Regarding this article: Gizmodo's sensationalism must be working, because I'm commenting. Let's stop and think for a moment. Apple files a ton of patents, many of which never ACTUALLY become real products or features. Anyone assuming that this is related to the tracking data is falling prey to the confirmation trap.…