ArmstrongJx4: Cleared Act 4

Alpha’s and betas weren’t called demos at one point either. Nioh has had an alpha demo and a beta demo MONTHS apart and a “last chance trial” two weeks ago. So it’s just easier to refer to them as pre-release versions. Co-op was available in a certain form for almost an entire year, leading up until yesterday when the

To play this game in co-op without interruption, one of us has to complete the entire game.

Okay, well from now on I will play every single player game with co-op by myself. Because obviously by using the little gaming time I have by playing things I enjoy with my friends, I’m ruining the game for myself because I’m not playing it specifically how the devs want me too. I’m so sorry.

I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying it solo. It’s a great game. But if that was a thing just for the demos they should have communicated that. I bought it to play co-op.

That is not a NOTICE IT *WAS* changed. They have communicated changes for over a year, before and after every test. They told us about stamina, they got rid of durability, etc.

Yes. It makes complete sense. Because playing the game with help from someone who already beat the mission couldn’t possibly be easier than two people going in blind, right?

but we were allowed to play that way for 3 pre-release versions of the game with no notice it would be changed...

summoning someone who has already beaten the mission is somehow the more difficult way to play?

“We would rather you summon someone who has completed the mission and quite possibly the game who can kill the boss in 20 seconds, instead of both of you playing it for the first time because two people going in blind is too easy”

Let’s be logical.

not long at all, really. I’d say less than 20 seconds.

Money talks.

The phrase is I couldn’t care less. And thanks for your unnecessary input, I forgot to ask for it.

Honestly if the Switch gets Call of Duty or Destiny it’s gonna sell like crazy. Multiplayer doesn’t use crazy amounts of data and LTE is fast enough to play without lag/ a good ping which is good considering Switch uses an app on your phone. It’ll make Remote Play seem prehistoric.

Honestly if the Switch gets Call of Duty or Destiny it’s gonna sell like crazy. Multiplayer doesn’t use crazy amounts of data and LTE is fast enough to play without lag/ a good ping which is good considering Switch uses an app on your phone. It’ll make Remote Play seem prehistoric.

You are VERY confused and it sounds like you needed an excuse to vent because you couldn’t be anymore wrong about what happened in that video.

Apeiron is a full on KOTOR remake in Unreal 4 and they stand every much chance of getting a C&D as the X-Wing Unity remake, even though both require the original games to run.

This game is insanely generic & it’s like for every new Ubisoft game feature they add, they get rid of very good old ones. If you choose to knock someone out you can’t drag them. You have to grab them first then knock them out. But that almost doesn’t matter because if you knock someone out then look away the body

Hmm...pretty simple to me. Throttle up and pitch down to go forward faster but you travel downwards. So you pick up speed and then pitch up to gain altitude. Or just fly straight up but it’s not that fun. Hold Throttle up and down at the same time for smooth landings

I get tired of explaining this, lol. The “developers” of that game intentionally used Star Wars to gain attention. You think anyone in their right mind would make a standalone fan game of a recently revived franchise and ink a publishing deal with Valve?