ArmstrongJx4: Cleared Act 4

I..., nor you, have any idea what you’re talking about.

Wow! Sarcasm too?! Today is just so grand, don’t ya think?

When GTA Online came out there were a lot of half assessment coop missions. Most of them being fetch quests. There were a few more “cinematic” or story mode type quests but literally just a few. They had multiple phases and some cool objectives and also required you to use different types of travel. This was way

Oh look, creativity!

Yeah that interface. Nope.

They approve everything...

Still no mission creator.

Except you’re not getting MGSV plus co-op. You’re getting Metal Gear with zombies....which...doesn’t sound or look fun. Actually this looks absolutely boring. Not sure what threat those zombies pose or what your objective is. But stealth attacks on zombies? lol.

Except that was literally a Ghostbusters movie. A cash-in and using a name for sales isn’t the same thing.

It’s so easy to misinform people in an era where information is SO easy to acquire. Odd.

They half assed the co-op. Give people good co-op and an ok SP shooter becomes great.

The fact that he and his studio still haven’t addressed any of this is, quite frankly, absurd.

They kinda are the same type of game. Battleborn just has shitty game modes. It’s definitely not a MOBA.

Zhao Yun is the greatest...did you not play DW5?

I can see that you are regurgitating what you read on the internet. If you do not make USE of your trademark, you risk losing it. Hence why Capcom has continously refiled trademarks for Deep Down. Because the game isn’t being actively promoted, discussed and it has no solid plans of being released. You do have to

Wow, Christian Whitehead?

Let’s be honest. Their marketing sucks. That trailer was awful and I don’t know what info it was supposed to give you.

Because, Popcap.

Some of the jokes Not really jokes? Idk, man.

You can’t change difficulty in multiplayer. Difficulty is set, based on the mission. All hilariously easy, unless you force yourself to use the worst characters. But even then, that doesn’t make much of a difference. They just didn’t make anything dangerous enough. Titans should just be snatching you out of the air,