ArmstrongJx4: Cleared Act 4

Furi got ripped for this

Halo Online does this pretty well. The hacked version that is.

The fuck?

Take your kids to see Sausage Party, then.

It’s not about liking the game. i don’t have it, nor do I want to play it. But people making excuses for devs blatantly lying, or not communicating why things that they said would work aren’t unacceptable. Completely unacceptable. If a dev making a a $60 AA indie game can get away with it, anyone can.

Remember this debate about 2 weeks from now.

Zombies will be separate within 2 years.

New information does supersede old. After launch...they added a player scanner to make it easier to come across other players. That’s the most recent information. He also said they wanted players to find each other. Again, after launch.

No. That means the focus is not multiplayer. Is Garden Warfare a single player game? No. It’s wholeheartedly a multiplayer game. Does it have a single player mode? Yes. Battlefield is, as well, a multiplayer game. Also has single player. Not being a multiplayer game and not having multiplayer are very different. Watch

This is after launch, so what the listings say doesn't matter.

You mean like him explicitly stating that it was possible to come across other players? Hard to take that out of context.

So why did they include a player scanner in the day zero patch? Why was he surprised that two players found each other on day 1?. Stating that he WANTED and EXPECTED it to happen just not that soon. There's a difference between not having multiplayer and not being a multiplayer game. You're dense.


No...something that is in active development isn't just an idea or concept. If it's being developed it can be shut down. That's like saying you can't arrest someone for trying to steal because they didn't actually leave the store. As long as their in the store, it's just an idea, a concept. Both AMR2 and Uranium had

Lol. People are so stupid. Yourself included.

Do they sound any more fun without a second player? No.

Uhhh....I know lol. I have the betas. If the person kept quiet then less people would know therefore less people would have it. It would have taken years to get those 1.5 million downloads. But now it'll get that and more

Ok and they did nothing until it released....just like AMR2

I’m still kinda confused as to how he straight up denied that being a possibility...right after a Nintendo fangame got hit