You think they built an entirely new engine for next gen?
You think they built an entirely new engine for next gen?
Didn’t really grab me. Probably gonna pass on this. Maybe they shouldn’t have the demo be almost completely unrelated to the actual game.
Long Live my Frontier SAW and VOT Blaster both with 3 shot spread attachments. I used to wreck....
Was it really necessary to spoil so much, especially without warning?
Defiance was definitely ahead of it's time. Being tied to a TV show, as it definitely needed another year of dev time. But I got my money's worth in a week and played for 2 years
I honestly just wanted an open world Rainbow Six Vegas MMO. And instead of taking place in one city, it’s multiple smaller regions across US. And then over time, instead of making new areas, they do things like opening up previously inaccessible buildings and things of that nature. Gonna go cry now.
Part of me is sad because it’ll never happen. The other part of me is sad because the game will probably only last for 2 more years.
Guns and tactical gameplay are the only prerequisites to be approved for a TC stamp
All the comparisons to Destiny......this game becomes more and more like Defiance with each update. Which just got Incursions earlier this year, actually.
I sound new to the game because I think it’s unpolished? That’s a very strange conclusion to come to. I’ve been playing the game on and off since launch. Also participated in the early PC tests.
Nope, very good at it, and the game is also very easy/boring. Been playing since it launched on PS4.
I’ve never played a game with a worse movement system. On paper it’s awesome. It just isn’t polished.
The new movement system is just as bad
Game still feels very unfinished. The combat is wonky. The new movement systems are wonky and feel half done. It’s all very slippery and context sensitive to the point that it doesn’t always work the way it should. Also, this entire article reads like one big advert.
That’s weird lol. I played solo a lot and plenty of people healed me up.
Maybe you should play it. It just feels like Dishwasher to me.
Unfortunately...the game needs factions. There needs to be 3 factions. A friendly faction, a factionless(?) (we might kill you, we might not), and a rogue. You must choose a faction each week. Each faction has dailys, weeklys, and overall monthly objectives. This creates short-term and long term goals for players.…
Isn’t there some big console game on the way? From the developers of Project Awakened? or am I way off.
Actually you’re wrong again. Lol is an acronym. An acronym is an abbreviation used as a word. So. Lol.