
Ummm ok? It’s still incredibly inappropriate for someone with no relationship to said child to call them a “pissant” on a regional radio station.

I’m sure as fuck not watching the documentary to find out but, the important question: WAS Brady’s daughter “being an annoying little pissant”? 

A big reason Chinese products are cheap is because they often manufacture with little to no concern for the environment. The low cost is a false economy. China should be held to the same environmental standards as US manufacturers if we are to import with not tariff.

“if we had a democratic administration right now we all know we wouldn’t pass a tax bill that defers trillions more debt to your children” Um.. that’s what Obama did with exorbitant deficit spending for 8 years that was only supposed to be for 2 years at most. Instead the revenues did not meet Obama’s high morality

It would have had that exact headline had it been Obama or Hilary in office right now. We all know it.

Headline should read “Apple successfully pays 38 Billion in taxes that, without the Republican tax plan, would have been kept overseas forever, and also pledges 20,000 new U.S. jobs, to open a new U.S. campus, and add $350 billion to the U.S. economy”

As a public company they literally have a fiduciary duty to shareholders to do whatever they legally can to create value and wealth within the company. So it would have sat there until someone changed the laws like was done here.

Alternatively, Apple may have NEVER repatriated any of those overseas profits.

This is highly highly wrong. Indie devs HAVE been developing for it. Hell there’s a ton of indie games on it right now and coming out still. There’s almost too many “good” indie games coming out to keep up with.
And yeah, no word on whats going on with Online services (other than the early 2018 eta), but right now you

Counter-argument: I think I love it. Based on other articles explaining it in detail (the Guardian one linked to below is a great read), it’s a clever way of teaching children engineering. The piano takes two hours to build and the game apparently explains how it all works and what the tech’s doing to make it

Ever thought of posting up a map?

A smart person would learn how to build and service robots

Anyone gullible enough to believe this isn’t the path he would take anyways is pretty... well, gullible.

I’m confused as to why you think this is shocking or “brazen” he has a business to run. CEOs and owners of business’ have been warning of this very eventuality. Raise the cost of labor they eventually find cheaper replacements.

I’ve seen a shocking number of Millennial moms with the “It’s my body, I’ll do what I fucking want while pregnant” attitude. Heavy drinking, smoking (tobacco and weed), and staying out to all hours of the night partying. I know it’s not PC, but damn it, it’s not just your body. If you’re planning on carrying that kid

If you are carrying a cell phone then you already have far more serious privacy issues to be worried about. That smart speaker is potentially listening to you. Your cell phone definitely is tracking every location you go to, your routine, who you speak with, how long you chat with them, etc. On top of that, it is

*Arrested Development jingle*

First, christ man let the bodies cool first at least.

Second, witnesses report the weapon was fully automatic, which are already subject to strict gun controls and rarely found in civilian hands.

So, a dongle for the dongle?

there are a lot of very legitimate reasons not to like her, you mention them, but then gloss over them. She can be kind of awful but is also a victim of a right wing smear campaign at the same time, they aren’t always mutually exclusive. But saying mainstream news pointing out her occasional awfulness means it’s being