Unrelated, but sort of related: does anyone else experience wildly un-Jezebel ads appearing below every article? This is the one that is appearing for me directly underneath the comments section right now. UGHGHHH
Unrelated, but sort of related: does anyone else experience wildly un-Jezebel ads appearing below every article? This is the one that is appearing for me directly underneath the comments section right now. UGHGHHH
you’re talking to me during the Jackal? don’t talk to me while she’s doing the Jackal.
It me.
Classical. How could you be married to Bill and not use “In the Hall of the Mountain King” as background music every time he walked down the hallway towards you?
I like Richard Simmons. He just seems full of energy and good spirit. I don’t know what’s going on with him. I hope he gets the help he needs.
Muhammad Ali’s death has no place in a dirt bag.
All Rainn Wilson said is that he’s pissed that shooting-killings of animals draw more press and sympathy than shooting-killings of people. So instead of writing faux-outrage ad hominems, understand that this zoo shooting death and human shooting deaths are both substantively but not equally tragic.
The bicep/bubble is exactly what I see. If we’re crazy we’re the right kind of crazy.
Rorschack dress.
I always confuse her with the one who brings along The Night Visitors.
They debated killing him and then blaming it on drug dealers, but decided that was too old school.
I hope you’re not an English teacher because you don’t understand sentence construction.
One of my favorite pastimes on Jezebel is finding my fellow OG D-Listed readers. I miss the days when it was just Michael K.
Sea urchin is my FAVORITE THING IN THE WORLD. I think the texture is something people can’t get past, but good sea urchin is absolutely divine. The best thing I have ever eaten in my life was a sea urchin risotto. I never wanted it to end.
Mrs. Murphy sounds like a racist bitch.
Yeah, I thought about that. It was just the way the story was worded “Taylor Swift’s bodyguards stopped people from taking pictures.” I could see a restaurant agreeing to a celebrities demands, definitely.
How are Taylor Swift’s bodyguards able to stop anyone from taking pictures of her, let alone keeping them from taking pictures of themselves? They’re not the police, they have absolutely no power to do anything. I live in Los Angeles and was walking down the street when someone’s bodyguard stopped me, telling me I…
Sure, here is all the guidance you need: