What is it with feet? Like, why is that the part of the fetus I’m supposed to get emotionally invested in?
What is it with feet? Like, why is that the part of the fetus I’m supposed to get emotionally invested in?
My niece (one of my favorite people on the planet) is graduating from high school in a few short months and will start college in the fall to start training for a career in sports medicine. She is a coach’s kid and loves (but doesn’t play) sports. In our little local world she is protected by the privilege of being…
I’m a female. I like sports. But it seems like everyday I hear a story about how trivialized women are in sports, in sports “relationships", and now, even broadcasting. dammit.
Great When You Are High II
Good for her. My aunt was given 4-5 months to live, unless she went on chemo which would—possibly—have extended her life for another year. But, the entire time would be spent in chemo, and mostly in a hospital. She told her oncologist ‘No, thanks. I’m going camping.’ And she did. And was happy. RIP Aunt Jean!
It’s like when you let a 5-year-old dress themselves. I need the yellow boots. I need the cowboy hat. I need the cape. Pants optional.
This is from the same special and it’s amaaaazing:
My god, I didn’t notice someone had rolled down the stairs in the park until I watched it a second time. Also I love Hannibal. I hope he never does any creepy or foul crap that comes out later.
WTF?! The Sopranos is not an accurate representation of New Jersey. It’s so sad you think that, and think you know NJ, one of the most ethnically diverse places in the US.
I’m from an Irish-Italian town in New Jersey and have no fucking clue what your talking about. Never heard anyone outside that show say that. Also, I doubt two chicks from South Africa know the subtleties of Jersey Italian-American slang.
That’s a helluva reach.
I cry after the Showcase Showdown, too. It's a beautiful moment. Each. Time.
Not to mention faculty-faculty harassment. I’m the single female in a department of 9, and am simply saving up and documenting all of the complete inappropriateness until I have enough to go to the administration.
I teach 4th grade, and one of my kiddos asked if he could do sharing on Friday. He brought in his iPad and started to talk about his favorite singer who had recently died. He played “Let’s Dance” for the class and shared pictures that he found on the internet. It was the sweetest thing ever! Most of the class had no…