
Socialism works very well in a societies that value socialism. I say this sitting in a country where I am a public school teacher, where I happily pay high taxes, where I have nationalised healthcare that is expensive for me because I have a rather steady income, but is always there for me forever with individual

Nazis were not actually socialists, despite National Socialism. They were corporatist fascist totalitarian statists. I’m a statist too, but I’m a democratic socialist. The government is made up of people, in a direct or representative democracy, the government is made up of us. The goal here is for all of us to come

Bah. I’m a socialist, and I also support an extremely robust naval service and air force. I see providing for robust defense as one of the ultimate examples of socialism: we all pitch in, either in money or service, for the good of the defense of all.

I’m not sure that’s true. The last Liberal and Conservative governments in Canada (neglecting Paul Martin, as he wasn’t in office long enough to make a judgement) do conform to that stereotype: under Harper, budgets grew and Canada adopted a more unilateral foreign policy, and it leveraged force; under Chretien,

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Track: Wasted Years | Album: Somewhere In Time | Artist: Iron Maiden

Well, Marvel is about to reboot, so that old chestnut of fanboy wars in comics is about to go down the drain. Especially if after the reboot we're left with out-of-continuity stuff like Miles Morales in mainstream and Gwen Stacy's Spider-woman.

Fort Wainwright Air Base

Well technically the Federation instigated everything from the very beginning. That Universal Century Charter didn't rewrite itself!

It would make sense for Canada to buy them as the Artic Ocean ice is retreating and the Northwest Passage has opened. There is a lot more ocean real estate now to patrol. And the Russians of course will be expanding offshore in search of oil.

I fully agree. You look at it's stats on wikipedia and it appears to be a nice fit with our Halifax class ships, which means it should work with with SCSC when them get that program going. Also having amphibious sea-lift capability would be seriously add to our capabilities, and they should be able to carry a

Interesting comparison, but you are missing another Hellcat. The other Hellcat that drives on the ground, the M18 Hellcat.

The aaaAAAAHHH!!! cappella group.