
I’m ok with the slight change of tone, I just want Froggy and Karen back. 

Can I just say how fucking good this show looks? Like, it’s so much better looking than just about any other major genre streaming show out there. Everything looks crisp and vivid. Night scenes and scenes in darkly-lit places actually have depth and color and aren’t dominated by the same shitty uniform light source

There’s room for both.  I like over arching plots too, but when they’re happening all the time it is exhausting.  This is like being able to take a breath of air after several seasons of galactic calamities.  

Don’t be an asshole.

This is how Metroids happen

I agree with a lot of your first post, but this has got to be an intentionally obtuse reading of Rey’s situation. Yes, she wants to belong, because she doesn’t feel like she belongs where she is. You don’t need to see a montage of her trying to make friends. You get the idea almost immediately that Rey’s area of Jakku

This is sorely needed proof that there are still good things in this world, and that one man can still make a difference. Thank you for another year of being the greatest. <3

No it didn’t - it ended them. To quote Verb-a-noun above:

I don’t really like sharing my opinions on TLJ because it has really brought out the worst part of SW fandom, and the haters are generally repugnant...but, I don’t like it, and I 100% agree with Abrams quotation about the meta-approach. It does this weird 4th wall thing which stretches the fantasy part and Canto isn’t

almost all of the humor fails to land”

In that they introduced a new world/setting to try and further world build and just completely and utterly failed. Things like the little alien putting coins in BB8, then BB8 shooting those out later. 

It makes me sad to say, but this is exactly how I feel too. I was a staunch defender, but I just continued to be bothered by more and more little things like the exposition dumps/leaps of logic that get made to propel the story. Rose & Finn,“It MUST be active tracking! Let us tell you what that is!” and then later the

Re: TLJ what it seems some people have trouble grappling with it that ALL of these things can be true:

I echo this in part. What I loved about TFA was the new characters - the joy of Poe and Finn shooting in the TIE fighter! The excitement of Rey and Finn congratulating each other on the Falcon! BB-8! Then the Last Jedi came along and not only kept the new crew apart, it allowed them no progression because it was days

If Rey’s parents were nobody then why bring it up at all in TFA?

That is a perfectly valid point to build upon. The problem is twofold.

I can only speak for myself, but what pissed me off in Last Jedi is how my favorite TFA characters, Poe, and instead of fleshing him out, they made him an arrogant fuckhead who gets nearly everyone in the Resistance killed. And to do that they had make Laura Dern act like an idiot, and Finn and new character Rose act

“Rian Johnson’s (in our opinion, excellent) eighth chapter in the Star Wars saga was always going to be divisive. That’s what middle chapters are.”

I think the frustration lies with TFA going in one direction and then TLJ going in another. Also, seeing the characters change drastically from one movie to the next when they took place back to back. Not to mention the Canto Bight sequence felt like the prequels, new characters were added, and some of the plot