
If we’re talking ORIGINAL anime, ‘Rick’ was 100% Japanese.

As others have mentioned elsewhere in the comments, I get the impression that Ford intended the responses to be humourous, in his typical deadpan, dry style.

Was it just me, or was DeHaan actively trying to channel Point Break era Keanu Reeves, or is that just ‘him’? I don’t think I’ve ever seen any interviews with him so I don’t know...

The character who described her as a bitch was the captain’s best friend, and clearly just expressing personal opinion. Makes sense in context - it’s catty, but it’s his idea of standing up for his friend. It’s something people do, right or wrong.

Denis Villeneuve? So far he’s proven adept at playing well with others’ toys (IPs), and achieved critical and box office acclaim. Early buzz for Bladerunner is good, so assuming that goes well he’ll have blockbuster sci-fi franchise cred.

I was halfway through Raising Steam when he died. I don’t know that I’ll ever finish it now.

Which kind of highlights the point that the aesthetics haven’t really changed much.

Why is this the only logical conclusion? It’s actually pretty illogical given the circumstances. Their outing together was very public. If there was intent to commit such an act, then it would have been very stupid given the lack of plausible deniability and obvious lack of planning.

Purely second hand information, but in comments about this same topic elsewhere, someone mentioned that they’d seen a documentary or news piece on Copenhagen Suborbitals, and Madsen came off as someone with bouts of extreme paranoia. I wonder if something the reporter said or did triggered an extreme reaction.

Another surprising thing, to me, anyway, is at how many relatively modern, high-rise buildings get torn down and replaced. Usually you’d see more of the smaller/lower density buildings get replaced first, and the high-rises get extensive renovations to update them, but it looks like a lot of high-rises get replaced

Kudos to Cameron for taking the mature approach and not changing anything that affects the story or aesthetics of the original. Definitely preferable to the George Lucas/Ridley Scott approach.

It was just on a poster, but it didn’t even make the final cut of the movie. Gunn said it wasn’t meant to be taken as a serious bit of casting anyway.

It does bear a certain resemblance to this other deity’s pupper:

That ribcage, though.... I think it’s trying to escape.

They do have Warren Ellis writing Castlevania... And Nextwave would pretty much be THE perfect adult-oriented Marvel animated show. I mean... all the pieces are there now.

So he didn’t fight the dragon so much as hug it to death...? ‘cause that looks like hugging.

And the mad scientist chef behind it:

Will be on cable TV in Canada (Space - Canada’s version of SyFy) and the first ep will be on CTV (one of the ‘big’ networks here, and owned by the same parent corporation as Space), from what I’ve been reading.

Then all that needs to be done is add another bullet point:

While the cost of a modern supercarrier is pretty ridiculous... Still an apples to oranges comparison here. No other country in the world builds supercarriers. This will be the biggest carrier the UK has operated in a long time, and will be on par with the ‘large’ carriers used by France, Russia, China, India etc...