
The most widely produced M4, the M4A2, was diesel as well, actually. It was used by just about everybody except the US Army (USMC did use them, though).

The Pz.IV didn't eclipse the M4 at all. They were about on par with each other and evolved in parallel throughout the war (low velocity 75mm -> high velocity 75mm/76mm, improved ammo stowage). Similar armour (better quality German HHS vs slightly thicker and sloped steel on the M4), similar gun, similar performance.


Well yes, it is semantics, but the term 'American' has been misappropriated by virtue of the awkard name of the country. United States OF America. A group of states united on the American continent. United Statesian? United States of American? USian? An argument could be made for using your state name to

May I suggest you read some history and brush up on your political science? Fascism is neither left or right-wing, though socially it's more often associated with the right, and economically with the left. The Nazis glommed on to the term 'socialist' via,

Except that he didn't. In some of his personal correspondence he's very clear about referring to himself as an atheist/non-believer.

Except that when companies record sales numbers, it's typically to the distributor, not directly to the consumer, so the original poster is correct. In other words, Best Buy is down 6 iPads, so has to order more, resulting in more iPads sold by Apple. Weak joke, perhaps, but the logic was sound.

Alright, I know you're trolling, but I'm going to feed the troll with some actual 'facts'.

The underground city in Montreal may make a good, modern example...,_Montreal