Most of the games haven’t really been to my taste, which is disappointing.
Most of the games haven’t really been to my taste, which is disappointing.
I worked a couple years as phone support. There is nothing in this world that would convince me to be in that situation again. I’d start selling other people’s organs before I got back on the phone. Fuck that noise.
Soooo he bought Franklin’s house from GTAV?
The pictures are nice, but I’m waiting for the Minecraft version.
I see the pigs as “the white man” (ship, the birds don’t know what a pig is) landing on the Americas and trading stuff. So there’s some political/historical standpoint in here as well.
Small role... heheh
While I agree with what you are trying to say, you are comparing apples to oranges.. Rareware wasn’t working on a 64 port at the time (Nintendo’s fault.) They had nothing better to do than to port the game to the SNES.
Good, let’s stop supporting last gen. More people need to start upgrading.
Sometimes gamestop keeps it, trust me...
It will certainly be a cold day in hell before we see that game come about. I refuse to give up on either of my blue childhood favorites (Sonic & Megaman).
Almost any android device (even the ouya) can make a mockery out of Nintendo’s virtual console.
Right there with you. As a “I’ll stab you if you talk bad about Megaman” kinda fan, this looks horrible. I have no trust left in Keiji.
Smart people - or at least smart people who're worth dating - aren't going to necessarily be ruling you out if you're not equally as smart as they are. The biggest thing is if you're engaging your intellectual curiosity, willing to ask questions, especially when you don't understand and are willing to *listen*, then…
Certain big cities like New York, San Francisco and LA have reputations for being harder to date in. New York is especially notorious, although this may have as much to do with Sex and the City spreading the meme as anything else.
Was she more of a "giant monsters" sort of gal?
...You know that's actually not a horrible idea? Kotaku Kouples or some kind of singles siAARGGGH ow just typing couples with a K caused one of my eyes to fly out of my head and now im spraying blood everywhere help
"Those people who're telling you that you're too intimidating, that you're too smart or too whatever and you need to dial it back so you don't hurt dude's precious fee-fees? Fuck those people." x1000
And wtf is "wrong" with a size six? "Girly girl in heels" in a size six? I'd say sign me up if I wasn't already married :p