
“Star Wars also has the worst fanbase in the world, hands down.”

The people that stuck them there don’t know that other countries exist.

Do they intend to actually finish this show, rather than leave it a steaming mess in their rush to move on to the next thing?

I got 3 problems but a body ain’t one.

I don't know if it's because I've been in a dark place in my life lately but harassers like this should be neutered so that their genes can't contaminate any further generations. Pathetic losers

this is not a new thing for the switch. cuphead made the jump to switch. both ori titles as well. then theres also minecraft spinoffs that made the jump too. microsoft sees the switch as a handheld rather than a direct competitor so if they see money to be made they will.

still have my ps2 disc.

I know of one Suits fan, and you better believe his white Mormon ass was excited for it! 

Because police can just as easily “chase” you with radios, surveillance and detective work that doesn’t endanger the general public.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I feel for the poor box truck driver who has to deal with this. But thankfully a nice big truck and not a minivan full of nuns.

Its bc you aren’t twelve. Pokémon is perpetually dedicated to appealing to new 12 yos rather than older fans who maybe nostalgic or 12-at-heart. It's a kids' game. 

The actors and writers went on strike to get a piece of the streaming pie last year. It was a very big, public thing.

lol I am playing God of War Ragnarok right now. I put it at the second to lowest difficulty because I’m just here for the story and the awesome set pieces, but boy do I wish they’d shut up with the puzzles. Like please, give me longer than five seconds before someone goes, “Maybe you should throw your axe at this!”

Pretty much any of the ultra hard games. I’m in my 40's, so I grew up with a lot of NES and SNES games that were hard in comparison to modern counterparts, so it’s not that I can’t get through difficult games. The bigger issue for me is that at this point in my life I just don’t have the time to repeat the same boss

Try ot read into what the article is actually about and not your outrage at clickbait headlines

The franchise owners are using the wage increase as an excuse to eliminate positions and increase profit. Profit over people, and a perfect scapegoat.

It’s just as much bullshit as when companies declare retail theft to be

I think we know why.

Money laundering.

“Resisting” means . . . literally anything police want it to mean.

It’s the bars fault - it was resisting arrest. And even more so it was refusing orders - the police ORDERED the building to move and it just refused to comply. It just disgusts me to see the disrespect that brick and mortar buildings have for the police.

End qualified immunity now.
Defang the gestapo.