
Hilarious, but no.

It's a shame when apps like Signal exist and make this whole thing completely irrelevant.


Meanwhile every country outside of America has been using WhatsApp for 15 years and has no idea wtf blue vs green bubble is.

I sure hope so. She’s yet to blow me away in anything I’ve watched with her in it.

Never had a good experience with Hertz. Enterprise is more expensive, but it’s always a good experience.

JJ Abrams has a lot more hits than duds though. If Lindelof’s output were a minefield, it would be the safest minefield in existence.

Never bothered with it because he wrote it. One good show isn’t representative of a lifetime of otherwise terrible work, but sure.

If Zack Snyder stopped making movies it would be a massive net positive for the entire industry. He’s terrible. He got lucky with “300", “Watchmen” was passable, and everything after has been mostly nonsense stories, but they look pretty, and that’s enough for the average person.

Damon Lindelof wrote a ton of garbage for 20 years but continues to be handed millions of dollars to write movies and TV shows. The only thing he made that was actually good was the Watchmen series on HBO, and that was probably because he owned the whole thing top to bottom rather than just writing it. 

Despite being pretty clunky, I played the shit out of the ”Masters of Teras Kasi” game, and mastered (heh) like half the characters 🤣.

Whatever these guys wanted to make would’ve been better than 90% of what was made instead.

Or absurdly marked up everyday drugs people need to survive, like insulin. 

Don’t you mean leave it a *streaming* mess?

This is what happens when boys never grow up and/or never leave Mom’s basement.

I really want to play this game, but if I have to get it on Switch I hope it's still 60fps.

This game now would just be a bunch of popular rappers swaying back and forth in a permanent “finish him” motion because the accurate representation would be them too drugged out of their minds to throw a punch.

I'd kill to play a remastered NBA Street 2. It was the best one.

I don't understand the resurgence of the popularity of this show. It got bad around season 2. 

Movie and TV awards lost all weight in my mind a long time ago, but Barbie should win everything it’s nominated for.