Probably just to bide time to find a way to get rid of you. Companies will fuck employees any way possible.
Probably just to bide time to find a way to get rid of you. Companies will fuck employees any way possible.
Amazon makes tens of billions every quarter. They can afford to kill construction projects and building leases.
Warehouse workers can’t pick shit up and move it from home. I can attend video conferences and Slack from home though.
Adults hire other adults so they can be infantilized, not treated like adults.
My last job wanted me in an office full time where nobody else on my *global* team was located so I could attend video conference calls all day. They got the finger and I got a a 35k salary raise to be fully remote at the new job 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. They bled people so fast after they announced RTO they were practically…
“But I am not going to stamp my feet, shake my fists and cry foul.”
I'm constantly finding reasons not to be at my desk when I get flown to the office once a year. Working from the office sucks even if it's just for a few days and the trip is free.
It won't hurt them as much as we want it to. All these companies coordinated the mass firings and RTO, filling up the labor pool with plenty of candidates.
It’s not about “wanting to never be interrupted” it’s that the interruptions are very, very rarely worth killing quality heads-down concentration for.
Tell her to message the demands to you if she tries to get you in the hallway. If she doesn't, it's her failure as a manager if something doesn't get done.
That tap on the shoulder shit is so fucking irritating, especially in my job where I need headphones on to concentrate because open-concept offices are too fucking loud.
Time to find another job. Make sure Amazon regrets putting themselves at a competitive disadvantage when their employees choose to find an employer that aligns better with their needs.
If I watch a movie a day on Netflix for 30 days and my Netflix sub is $15 then I’ve watched 15 movies for free. It’s the same thing with game services.
“So you want psychic game publishers than can magically create games that end right around when game mechanics get repetitive”
Indie games are the way to go. Small studios put all their blood, sweat, and tears into making the 15-30 hours you spend with their game the best you’ve ever had.
“It seems that here they are presenting you with a great game and then having even more quality content AFTER you beat the main quest”
I’ll watch the movie. I don’t have 130 hours available for anything let alone one game. Final Fantasy VII Remake took me two weeks to beat (main story + side quests), and that was playing it for only 3-4 hours a day. If I have to sink months of weekends into a game just for it to "get going" then there's something…
The U.S. government has no teeth against the wealthy and corporations. When every aspect of the government is built on “being gentlemanly” and “promising” to pay debts or abide by rules, it’s just a house of cards as we saw with four years of inmate P01135809.
This will go to the SCOTUS and they’ll kill it because the court is 6-3 with a majority towards rapists, religious nut jobs, and "corporations are people" stooges. Workers are fucked for at least the next 30 years.
Joke's on them. I never took the SAT.