
The way the right wing embraces everything Musk does now while simultaneously being utterly triggered by the very word “SOROS” is just bizarre.

That’s the part that I’ve been so frustrated by Trump and the Media since 2016.

Media nothing, he’s manipulated 70+ MILLION clueless idiots who think he actually gives a crap about them.

The sun also rose in North Korea, and for people being tortured, enslaved, or worse all across the globe. It also rose during the horrors of Nazi Germany. Except of course, for the people killed. 

Forget the slideshows, does anyone remember when this site used to do original reporting? This is reporting on someone else’s reporting, as is the OEM tire story, which is based on a video and was already reported on by The Drive, and probably touched on by the other automotive blogs that all serve the same audience

Make your browser window more narrow until the slideshow goes away. 

The bingo card printing industry hasn’t been able to keep up with any of the major trends of the last five or so years.

Pro-Tip 1) Don’t adopt a pet unless you understand what it means to own the pet and are committed to taking care of that pet for its whole life. Yes this means even if they get bigger then you were told they were, or have health issues or if you have to move. If you can not commit to an pet, then don’t get one.

An important part of the story is that he bought a pig as a pet, not understanding that they grow up to become regular sized pigs.

So you know Paul personally have direct knowledge of the background search he conducted to know the “horse ranch” was on the up and up?

In my experience, 5 hours is a pipe dream. I’ve had the PS5 since launch, and my controller likely gets between 2-3 hours on a full charge. I imagine it will be a wired controller only in another year or two.

Seriously. I love the stock dualsense, and think it’s a really cool bit of tech, but the battery life is awful. Press releases or comments usually sugarcoat the faults, so “moderate” is a bit...alarming? Or a word that’s not quite as dramatic but still a little worrisome.

In the same vein, Ego Nwodim is genuienly hilarious on almost all of her podcast apparences that I’ve heard.

Don’t forget Sarah’s real dad! He’s going places once he gets finished kicking the asses of Please Don’t Destroy

If I had known, I would have been rooting pretty hard for Bill and Anna. And I’m sure that would have made the difference. 

It really isn’t though. That was $20 to someone who was hard up and didn’t have the funds.

It is so lame too. Did these dudes have dads around? I have 12 year old son, and I am teaching early about dating and women. Even if you have it, you don’t give women tens of thousands of dollars just because she is pretty. 

The power of the boner is amazing. Some men will throw money at women just to experience that feeling below.

I once gave a retro streamer $20 to help pay his cat’s vet bills. Pretty much the same thing.

JFC, Not only did you do a video for what could have been a list article, you made it so I can’t even tab over to another window to do something else while I listen to the vid?