armenket, basically the scene from Pretty Woman.

Morning, pals! I think it’s important that today you remember that early Ford Rancheros have a look on their faces like they’ve just sat on a sno-cone.

I can hear the deep voice of the commercial made from the run now:

if they can all stop making the same shitty ipa. also maybe try on a different price point for profitability. maybe directly compete with conglomobeer by making beer better and keeping it closer to ideal for longer. if you are local or hyperlocal or selling out of one site only you have a huge advantage. just like

Then it turned into a Lincoln MILF.*

Even with this content list, for that much money there’d better be two more cars along with it.

I need forever neighbors or a forever garage that can fit my forever car. I have a couple in mind.

And I thought I might be the only one who remembered David &David.

Why don’t Deadspin and Barstool fuck already and get it over with?

My relationship with Dan Jenkins goes back decades, and it is a simple one. He wrote words and I read them over and

Agreed, this site and The Root has nicknames for every white chick that calls the cops on black people for dumb shit even tho that sometimes black people have died having the cops called on them for no reason.

an engine that was built by Chrysler

Some cyclists can keep up with the flow of traffic, some can’t. I am all for cyclists riding in the middle if they can maintain the 80th percentile. I have a mountain bike, not a light road bike so there is no way in hell I can keep up with traffic in even a 25mph zone

In my youth, outside of the bar at closing time was called “the sidewalk sale” because men would literally just pick twinks off and bring them home.

Sheet metal, plastic, and glass have to be replaced. The body will heal.

I love the Grand National as much as the next person. But I wouldn't pay six figures for one. Not when I can walk in any Buick dealer now and get a Regal GS with 310 horses that could probably run rings around this. 

The purity olympics in America need too fucking stop. I am a left leaning, liberal woman of color. This shit needs to stop. This is why people end up becoming the Trump supporters we see in ever-growing millions these days. Nothing is enough. They all apologized. Fred Armisen was playing Barack Obama, not making fun

Thank you for this list. I’ve been wondering about this for a while now as our cars are starting to get up there in miles. We had a problem with one car a few months ago that required going past the spark plugs. My mechanic pointed out that we would be hitting that scheduled maintenance within a year and suggested

There’s certainly no shame in taking your car to a mechanic to do this sort of work, I hope I didn’t convey that negative message. I do think it is important to make it clear what work you want the mechanic to perform on your vehicle, however. Simply saying “I want a tune-up” may not get you the result you’re looking