
yeah, i used to think black people might have interesting perspectives. it’s basically the same thing. thanks obama.

I wish her well. I would certainly be her Minkah. I do see where she believes her willingness to go the extra yard is something of a symbolic commitment or evidence of her emotional power. This is simply not the case, from Morrisette and other forebearers, many delightfully more subtle, we have seen pop music explore

Bigger picture, unless there are ass naked pics of him with a tween, there isn’t much about it that can get worse. all the royals have to do is endure the public knowing they aren’t royal by any fine prescription of taste and manners.

it’s a fun car with toyo reliability. the sort of thing you can pull off when people see your f40s holding value up into 100k miles.

Getting into a drunken brawl with Nick Faldo is a better way to lose a Masters

Am I allowed to judge her harshly because nothing happened?

I like the use of dramatic irony.

Voting in the crotcheteria is how all the elections that matter happen. I applaud this as reasoned discourse.

What would be amazing is if people who think vehicles become cooler because they aren’t sold here get a real taste of what they claim they’ve been missing.

what, because of a hissy fit?

One of them had a great drummer.

No Drew, No jews. if Deadspin wants to change, and cursory reading this shit, boy howdy does it need to, it needs to get away from where it’s gone in the past. Jews are over represented. that’s why this is even arguable, it’s like jew lawyering from bloggers. also no rich kids, to annoying too high maintenance.

One has to think, teasing this thing for years meant virtually any product would be disappointing on arrival. if you missed out on that, and Toyo said to Folks who Might be customers, and we have this Supra now too...People would have gone more bonkers where it counts.

There is more nuance here than I think a Deadspin writer is capable of applying to a subject. Those blogging to the hive sensibility or participating in the hive mind fully will not grasp it, but it’s there and possibly some of the people who participate are capable on an individual basis of grasping the aspiration in

there, there.

i’ve seen this advertized and it’s as confounding to me as the hardly ableson edition ford truck or some of these trucks that can’t use such horse power wisely.

so who is being nitpicky here? who is speaking to whom’s manager? I mean diversity now means pretending black people have a future? isn’t that gonna just make em madder later? you know how everyone pretended black people were smart and stuff because obama, then we got trump, and it turns out even giving them Obama

Does this mean the gt350 is now just for girls?

I am a Penguins fan so of course it was a goal. that said, what is the black shit in the goalie’s glove, does he have black shit on the inside of the glove, because if the black shit clearly visible in the glove is the puck then it’s a goal. some one needed to steal the mitt before it could as it would be now if it

I am glad she is taking this to court.