
weird that it’s a one off. I mean I am sure they are hoping for a surge in demand. sometimes you throw the after market a bone. I think owning it would actually be cool, getting to see it time and again stand out amongst other black cars. Not sure that is enough attention for brandfans.

so these are the people ESPN the Magazine is for. see you on the ocho.

anything where shitty shit posting bloggers are put in shitty situations. but that is only half of it. car bloggers are natural people to laugh at for their ever evolved opinions on minor differences.

i tested one, it drove like a minivan.

maybe black people would be more sympathetic if they weren’t always trying to provoke white people in public.

holy shit, this shit should be on fanduel.

sometimes things that have merit, hurt. I think it’s a bit of the all or nothing of radical internet opinion. people, very boring ones, more boring than they can possibly fathom, want to agree with everything. they don’t want new things presented for their consideration if that consideration isn’t nearly instantaneous

but there is a gt500, if you aren’t driving the best Mustang you may as well buy a Fiesta.

there is a boss of deadspin job that just opened up.

the only thing worse is people buying functional tools for looks, is people who make absolute cunts of themselves judging others. let them drive mitsu for life.

at this point the dealers are picking the accessories and the buyers are taking what is on the lot.

if they wanted men to like ballet, they wouldn’t call it the Nutcracker.

it’s a little like being a fan of Italian epistemology, being a lions fan.

Let’s not forget, nobody was biting Luck’s check. His dad was a reasonably well paid and well regarded(despite possibly sucking ass) college admin, Luck wasn’t in position to have to raise his family out of poverty, per se. that’s a huge difference in this sort of thing in terms of where the money goes, how much debt

only Peppa ronis can give a special love

I haven’t seen the movie, it sounds like a movie perhaps approached as evolutionary inside out fan art of the movie “all over me”. it’s as if people who might have been inspired by that movie, and turned it into a lifestyle in the same way SATC inspired Jezebel, perhaps vintage Jez, or Jez before it was a mommy’secret

with a “star of Bethlehem” over your self-sufficient fishing entrepreneur in a boat, guiding would be admirers seeking an audience with your minger, it won’t take them 9 months to have you saying Jaysus.”

the reason you buy an authentic or authentic appearing work truck versus another one, or a newer one, to use for not work at least not in any field for which a truck would be necessary, is the exact sort of douchery that defeats this replica of a period work truck.

this is the car all americans love, this car is why we don’t call them bonnets.

But is it Wladimir important, He’s the influencer, that’s the brother you need.