
Chancellor was in the right position, but comparatively speaking, he barely laid him to the turf. Imagine what kind of impact would have been if Kam Chancellor wasn’t made of pussy.

sad black people desperate for some actual racism so they can have something to cry about.

how many times you been inside, bro?

this is why despite all the publicity for rare cases it’s regular ole black people doing most of the shooting. just another way in which living near blacks is living through hell, and the only whites who stan for blacks don’t generally have to put up with blacks, which is funny.

nikka got paid, he made the team suck, he wanted paid more?it’s blacks that believe this bullshit that got suckered like motherfuckers. now the bitch don’t want to play and he crying and whinging and you all are out steppin and fetching like he is a victim.

a guy stood behind the pitchers mound and threw a ball over the center field fence. 200 hrs used to be a mighty achievement for a rare team. let em slick up the balls any which way they can.

this is the epitome of racism in 2019. A man is theoretically being denied something he is only assumed to be interested in, because of a past action in which he stabbed a business partner. How and why won’t  theoretically potential  new business partners in an established concern take on the additional risk for the

the lines you draw in policing back to slavery also reveal why reparations in any sense short of black people forming a national identity and moving elsewhere, will not work. black people, in almost all cases have had their circumstances substantially changed. but they still act the same.

back when E D Hill was still Edith Anne Tarbox of Dripping Springs Texas, I didn’t have any trouble at all getting it up. Every morning, like traffic and weather.

that coral, hot damn if that isn’t the most retro wasp thing ever

You make a compelling case, if only maybe, she had better taste. Also, you have to watch all the details all the time, you have to let them know there is not one thing you will not catch.

Does anyone know the real story of why they retired Terry Bradshaw’s jersey? was it because of Jojo Starbuck?

i’ve heard it said the way to defeat rising global temperatures is to tactically nuke the chinese people back to the wingding dynasty. I don’t have the energy to argue so I agree, and stipulate all people with chinese last names and their children, most of whom have first names like rappers on BET, should be included.

i shopped these new, i shopped them long and hard.

nice price. i mean theoretically speaking. as John Belushi explained in his wise socratic style. why not?

Conspiracy! Credible sources say he was 37.

it’s my understanding that for women, the male dominated auto drooling on blogs industry has a common sexual currency for the intrepid ladies willing enough and able to “give it a lube and smile” service gatekeepers. this doesn’t make them better or worse at the job, such as it is, but it does explain certain aspects

i just had a black person try to charge me for his red bull drink by adding it to my tab at the convenience store. black people are routinely stealing this way. fuck em, justifiable. shoot enough black people stealing as such and i bet it stops.

it reeks of cultural appropriation. at the heart of what he is accused of, is black people doing black people things to other black people. If BLM taught us anything, and black people going beyond any reasonable standard to defend their own when they do attack or commit crimes against whites, what with the no