
probably true. I mean there will be guys on tape doing things in week 3 they aren’t physically capable of in week 20. beyond the ability of that much game tape flattening out performances, it’s the bigger dose of seeing how they win. Sometimes it’s better to be a bit more improvisational. I guarandamntee a lot of what

I’m going to go old school and recommend a boob job. With the right sized rack you will be more than well placed letting men take on the costs of ownership. that’s my pinion.

Clinton and her fanbase were totally in the pocket of the right wing, every step of the way.

notice how disgusting cunts are only saying this after the whole Hillary Clinton thing. time for bitches to take time off and let men tell you what’s best.

sounds like douching with fresca

only thing more tired than tom friedman is a call for unity. everyone knows who gets the shit end of that stick. fuck you.

point of order, many places “juice” their eggs proper with outside egg in a carton or any of the egg white only or other mixtures and things available. this makes it look like they get their eggs from some special place only the finest greasy spoons know about. look around at some more eggs from more places and you

thank god for diversity, without a jewish perspective in media we wouldn’t know that her identity is inauthentic. good work, who else do you know better than they know themselves?

trucker in the left lane is a hero.


Another reason baseball sucks. kid is an athlete. but the specialization of skill and the relative lack of required athletic ability will turn him like most vets, into old ladies hiding under shawls to protect that one thing they do that matters in lieu of making plays.

sam lufti used to be a gawker right? that’s why you are defending him?

if you grabbed her pussy would you then become famous enough to have grabbed her pussy in the first place?

i never liked those shamoo whales, the fake eyes where the real eyes should be if they had whale sized eyes thing. if they actually had whale sized eyes they would be cool.

ever feel like a lot of people are laughing at you morons who try to racialize everything so you can guilt people into pretending you are equal some more? ever wonder what happens when whites try to be less racist, only to get accused of racism more? sort of seems like there’s no incentive to feel bad about black

sunglasses go where they go, usually shoved up mcgary’s mom’s cunt. I mean where else should they go, most cunts are the perfect length for sunglasses.

Kendall Jenner is a nice lady, Mountain Do worthy, she deserves a man as into her as she is.

so black women represent and all that bullshit, until they don’t? sounds like trying to have it both ways and being way too fragile to hear the truth.

black people are fragile as fuck.

the bar is holding 5 unpaid tabs from the black panel on taking charge.