
he sounds like every Denton hire.

fake and desperate, that’s just how I imagine Britt being.

Xt5 is actually very nice to drive. You want to complain about the crossovers just like you want to pretend automatics aren’t better than you,but talking shit when it’s unwarranted only empowers that which you wish to protest.

Still waiting to see if Harris means all the hate from black people or if she is willing to pretend that didnt start the fire.

as a queer who’s had to deal with het blacks on a daily basis, I can tell you the hatred and cheap petty behavior that being queer around blacks is not that different than what she experiences, she just goes on knowing that the people who are talking shit are deeply inferior. it helps

it’s so unfair how these hollywood broads get their pre-pregnancy body back almost immediately.

Don Cherry is a continental treasure. A treasure. Every word every appearance in form is to be relished.

i hope regimental command will send a couple of battalions of feminists to surround her at all times and protect her. Her innocence is approaching that of an uncontacted tribeswoman of the Amazon.

i don’t condone it, but I understand.

It does look like a slew foot, but I mean c’mon rubbin is racing.

congrats on having to pretend to be interested without having to shit anything out of your vagina.

why isn’t there a MePooh hashtag.

this is how we know it’s shitty black people not racist white people.

when you are too much of a cunt for mcgary, that’s some hard core cuntage.

damn i missed last week’s story time. this week, people spoil things all the time.

it’s no postal jeep but i bet you can go the required min on the interstate in it, if you desire.

if black feelings mattered i would totally vote for trump.

if it means cancelling all black women and independently feminism, I am with the beyhive. I of course await the only true power couple when Beyonce who still sounds like a bjork alter ego to me, gets up with Wolf Blitzer, thus creating the unstoppable BeoWolf.

How hampered will taller wider people be in it, projecting it out as a car you own for a number of years because it’s not necessarily your traffic mule, how does it’s design possibly affect people who drove before everything got so fast and furious these days? should I stay in my lane in th Z4 M40i? its a rag top.

very ok for the money enough to earn a modest NP, but what you really need if you are building a line-up to go with the Porsche wrap is a Taco truck.