
Dead Milkmen bodied the Camaro, I am still not over it.

i quit watching baseball over PED stupidity, that and stat geeks seem to have solved the game to the point of making it even less exciting, but this is really dumb. If you look to sports for entertainment then judge the entertainers accordingly. I think we should suspend drug using musicians and writers and other

feminists are mostly wealthy women spending some man’s money. they support politicians to that end. there is no socialism or anything remotely distributive in their pipeline. they are for the elites they just want to fish up the rich joints.

ghetto ass hoodrat certainly is profitable these days.

i bet gayle king is the one from whom anything toxic originates. just a hunch based on how al sharpton style office politics work. get rid of her and solve the problem.

send him to prison and keep him there. for the sake of society. a lot of us gor stabbed in the back whenever we tried to help blacks, it’s time to stop being nice about it, sink or swim.

this is why we need black people to stay amongst their own. they aren’t ready to be amongst other people yet.

didn’t we learn from Obama that when you elect a black ain’t shit gonna get done?

there wouldn’t be a black left on the internet if it weren’t for promoting violence and hate, it’s their culture.

nothing good comes from black people.

I have to say solid consistency wins for Kevin. I like the strategy of going old school by gwen, mix in a turkey devonshire/hotbrown or a couple of better choices and that could be a sentimental choice. kate is hot fire with the italian psst (gardeniera) and sausage egg cheese. there are too many greats on the board,

honda accord. you’ll never not be basic, but at least you can be more than one kind of basic.

on the plus side stock wheels and tires now have resale value.

Nice Price, it’s a little bit Audi, but for what you might be considering in that price range it’s probably one of the more fun times you can have.

in an ideal world, wouldn’t you unfollow family and not look to see whatever random shit they get on about? it doesn’t mean you stop being family, it means you are ok being you, they are ok being them.

it’s like they are ruining 90s sketch comedy on purpose.

anyone know where I can go to see a dead body?

Tito Puente is going to be dead some day and you’ll be saying, oh yeah well, I’ve been listening to his records for years.

if you mean while I am driving, or worse coming to a sudden stop the answer is no. but if the car is properly in park. yes. i think people should have the right to own their stuff. that means doing what they want with it even if it stupid. I could see maybe if there are hazardous materials not everyone can handle

torch is one weekend in a Camry from becoming a mommy blogger.